Hey Josh had a great day thanks, check out the pictures on the essex lanes section you may have to go back a couple of pages, shame you couldnt come but we only did about half the lanes so im sure there will be another day sorted soon, Your defender would have been fine there were three there all got through no damage, may go out on sunday if we can get a few of us together, so let me know if your free and if anyone else is free let me know here cheers, Steve
Hi Steve, me and Meanie are up for doing something this Sunday. No real plans at the moment, thinking of tagging along on some laning or doing a pay and play at Roundhill Woods in Tring. Got the Landy MOT'ed now and put all the bits back on that fell off last time out so ready to go. If i do Roundhill Woods, i need to find a passenger to help out with the punch challenge as Em's not able to make it this time.
Hey Kris glad you got it sorted mate, not sure what were doing yet, is the place at tring ok for novices and what does it cost ? whos meanie and whos Em lol ? so we will see who else wants to come along during the week and what they want to do and just go with the flow i guess, hope thats ok with you
Hi Steve, Em's the girlfriend and Meanies the girl in the black 90. Tring is £25 per vehicle for the days drive and they lay on a few games as well as a punch Challenge. It is a very good site with a full range of driving, something for everyone just choose the bits you want and leave out the parts that are not for you. It's the same with the punches, some will will so easy to get that you will probably go straight passed them and you would have to be a little mad to try and get them. Check out Burnham off roaders web site.
Ok kris thanks for that now i know who you are talking about lol, well that place sounds good lets just see if anyone else wants to do that or just laning did you have a look at the pics on the essex lanes section ? was a really good day, we only did about half the planned lanes so another trip is on the cards, you would really enjoy it so keep an eye on that section aswell it was well worth the hour or so drive to get over there, i even got to play with the new winch lol !
Sounds good. Don't get out in the Landy often, hard to find spare time. Don't mind what we do Sunday, just want to get a good days drive in.
Ok Kris and me have decided to go to the pay and play at tring for a change so if anyone fancies coming along let us know here and we can arrange a place to meet up ok cheers, Steve
Bugger, Bugger BUGGER! Why am i always busy when you lot are doing something :(:eek: Have fun and take some pictures!
Anyone else been up Coppice Lane in Reigate? Can i recommand avoiding it? :doh: I did not look at the map properly and did not realise it turned into a footpath half way up... where it turns into a footpath there is no where to turn round so i had to reverse about 200 yards with about a couple of inches spare on either side beetween a ditch and a fence... Managed to just about turn around in a field entrance :rolleyes:

Teach me to not read maps properly :D
Anyone else been up Coppice Lane in Reigate? Can i recommand avoiding it? :doh: I did not look at the map properly and did not realise it turned into a footpath half way up... where it turns into a footpath there is no where to turn round so i had to reverse about 200 yards with about a couple of inches spare on either side beetween a ditch and a fence... Managed to just about turn around in a field entrance :rolleyes:

Teach me to not read maps properly :D

Sod the maps, get some App's. :D
It looks like a few chaps from over guildford way may be goin laning this weekend ill keep an eye out and post in here if they dont do it, im up for it let us know if you are ok
I be up for laning a bit this weekend if it is on the Saturday, wont be able to stay out too late though as im on nights


So is anyone goin if so what day and time and where we meeting im out for the evening but will check here sat morning ok
A few of us are heading out past maidstone to do a few lanes if you want to come along let me know

Hi V8 man, when the 90 is back on the road I'll be up for some laning. Probably by the end of the month. So I'll keep an eye on this and the Guildford thread.

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