There's a few workshops near where i work looking for people, but i have to travel 40 miles from Redhill to Southall and back everyday. Been doing that for the last ten years, get use to it after a while.
ere you lot:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached the agenda and the papers for Item 7: Byways Open to All Traffic 538 and 539.

The Committee starts at 7.00pm at St Mark's Hall, Guildford Road (A323), Wyke, Guildford GU3 2DA.

Kind regards,


Hannah Gutteridge
Countryside Access Officer
(County Hall)
Tel: 020 8541 8941

Got a load of attachments if anyone is interested too.
Not sure about inn Surrey, but maybe worth have a look at Gatwick Airport, either on their own website or one of the airlines/retailers.

Just a thought

im not dead, Like you Kris i do a 40 mile round Trip, Guildford to Southampton. Im putting £100 a week of fuel in my Defender. Laning unfortunately has to take a back seat.

Bloody nightmare!!
Hi there i know a good run from bockets farm in bookham all the way to leith hill its around 3 hrs so a good run would be happy to show anyone the way so let me know cheers Steve
I know some good lanes around surrey would be happy to show you newbies around lol so let me know or call me 07979028118 Steve
I know some good lanes around surrey would be happy to show you newbies around lol so let me know or call me 07979028118 Steve
Thanks steve. Will take you up on that when I've got the niggles sorted out on my landy, can do without breaking down on a lane somewhere lol. Looking forward to it! wont be long now before I've sorted my landy, just waiting for mobile tuner guy to come and find my little electrical prob.

At least it will give me a bit more time to save up the petrol money! lol oh, are they the sort of lanes where your likely to need a winch? not really geared up for heavy going lanes at the mo until I get some steering gaurds etc fitted at least, not long had the vehicle, and still in the process of gearing it up for the rough stuff. :)
I'm thinking about doing a few lanes on Saturday, start out late morming. Just do a few of the local ones, haven't been out for ages.
Will do Steve, I'll give you a call Saturday morning. I've just got to pick a BMW X5 up from Redhill at 7am and deliver it to St albans, then I've got the rest of the day free for laning.
Well a few of us are meeting at Rykas on saturday, the food place at the bottom of Box Hill, at midday so if anyone wants to come along feel free ok

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