hi kris , we should really ask phill if we could organise a campin weekend, surrey lanes saturday and hindhead sunday. wed have to gauge intrest first tho,

good bonfire wasnt it
Could be a good idea, will have to find out if people are up for camping this late in the year. May be something have in the warmer months when more people would be intereste. If the numbers aren't big enough for phile to get a drink out camping at his field I don't think he would go for it.
Had a look throught the punchbowl lanes yesterday (well the one past the youth hostel back to the A3, then turned around and went to Thursley and all was good. No trees down or anything. Lots of leaves etc, someone must have been through recenly as i could see the tracks through the leaves. The signs are still up, but when i spoke to the local surrey rep, they said they would be taking them down and the lanes would only be closed if additional signs were up. Very confusing if you ask me.
ah nice, have you been on the others recently? The one that is just north on the A3 that goes up the Hill, and the ones on the other side of the A3?

Also whats the one like next to the farm at the Thursley exit of that Lane. It looks narrow and steep as you exit the road?
i usually do all of them in round there not sure which farm you mean some are narrow but im not bothered about scratches the on by the a3 think you mean gibbets hill thats very muddy but great going up it cupple of suzukia came down it last week with no problem but think they might have going up :)
The last time i was there, about a 3rd of the way up was a bit of an axle twister with a big step up. Is that still as bad, or has it been filled in a bit now.
i dont know where the entrance/start of the lane is to gibbet hill. If possible, would somone mind PMing me some more details so i can find it.

Sorry for being a pain in the ass :)
If your travelling down the A3 with the punch bowl on your right, just before you get to the town and the shops there's a small car park on the left. Go into the car park and follow the track down and look out for the Byway sign on the right, that's the start of the Gibbets. Last time i was there it was to rescue someone that gone out on there own and got stuck, was a bit harsh, take someone with you, CHEERS.
No still alive here too, just working all hours to pay the bills and F**K all cash left over to afford to go laning. So wish i could get out of this country and off to somewhere your allowed to have a life and not being Robbed by the goverment and lieing Bas**rd MP's.
I don't think there are jobs any where in the country, I've been searching for ages, can't afford the insurance let alone running the old disco. So many jobs needing doin and no money :( have to walk past it every day :(

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