I quite like going out at night but would be good to see what that lane is like in the light! Could we go when Alfold lane is open and do both on the same trip?.....actually scrap the alfold part as dont think its open till may. although you locals may know better than me?!
i think your right. Will check next time im over that way. i agree is good going laning at night, but if its something seriously challenging prefer in the day.
Dont know of any other lanes round here that require a winch. There s a fun one near frensham ponds, any one could go down. Good after a heavy down pour!!
So maybe start of feb for the dunsfold lane? 1st weekend in feb?
Night is fine, thats what the armader of spot lights is for! Had in idea to fix my winch, might just spot weld the gear in place in stead of faffing around with circlips, see no reason not too.
Ok, first weekend of Feb would be Sunday 1st Feb if everyone can make that, if anyone fancies a night time jaunt on some less winchy lanes around that area I found some nice ones the other weekend worth having a look at particularly a couple between lurgashall and fernhurst, and a couple of nice ones over near balls cross....
Ok, first weekend of Feb would be Sunday 1st Feb if everyone can make that, if anyone fancies a night time jaunt on some less winchy lanes around that area I found some nice ones the other weekend worth having a look at particularly a couple between lurgashall and fernhurst, and a couple of nice ones over near balls cross....

where are those lanes. Just been looking on the map and theres no greenlanes in that area what so ever?!
I ve heard about one towards Lurgashall. Didnt know of any round Balls cross, now that area pretty well. Often go to The Stag and my mate lives just up the road, we havent ever come across any.
Did hear about one around Plaistow before...but was a while ago.
1st of Feb should be good for me too.
Cant do this Friday im afraid, in London. COuld you possible PM the reference to me as well? Had a look on the Surrey CC (was able to get Balls cross up even though its w.sussex) and couldnt make out any byways.

bah just looked on the sussex rights of way site, looks like the one we used to do (many years ago mind you) is now a bridleway, how annoying, guess I've got some updating to do!
Hi everyone, hope all is well with the Surrey lot. Not had any time to catch up with things this week, been busy setting up a workshop with one off my mates. nealy sorted now so hope to get out on the lanes soon.
Is anyone up for doing a few lanes around the horsham, devils punch bowl area this friday or saturday night?? I have an itch to scratch!
Well no firm plans as my two friends with suzuki's are out of action and have been for a while and I didnt really want to go out with just one car. I'm open to suggestions, I've been scouting around the petworth hindhead area. and there were a few that looked interesting, I'm sure we can make a night of it.

I work up in london but I get home at 7ish and should be able to get out for 8:30ish......
would love to come with you but going up for the hertfordshire outing on sat morning so dont want to be stuck out all night

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