Seen it before and it still makes me **** meself that people are gullable enough to not only buy the bull**** claims but also the product itself :rolleyes:

Just think when the bearings on the fan collapse (due to being built by a guy working for a bowl of rice a day with cheap materials) ....... where are all those little bits of metal going?????

Straight into your combustion chambers :eek:

NICE :mad:

Also it wont work .................. trust me ;)

I did however once see a video on Utube where a guy got 10BHP more from a ricer by using a leaf blower in the engine air intake HEHE :D :p

Having said that .......... i do run a hyclone kit on the 300TDI ........ why you ask???????? .......................

Got it free and i have nothing to lose by fitting it i guess ;)
Seen it before and it still makes me **** meself that people are gullable enough to not only buy the bull**** claims but also the product itself :rolleyes:

Just think when the bearings on the fan collapse (due to being built by a guy working for a bowl of rice a day with cheap materials) ....... where are all those little bits of metal going?????

Straight into your combustion chambers :eek:

NICE :mad:

Also it wont work .................. trust me ;)

I did however once see a video on Utube where a guy got 10BHP more from a ricer by using a leaf blower in the engine air intake HEHE :D :p

Having said that .......... i do run a hyclone kit on the 300TDI ........ why you ask???????? .......................

Got it free and i have nothing to lose by fitting it i guess ;)

Yeah well it,s like yer said FREE!!
Dyer think i should take it out???

As regards cat **** will it improve the Cat on my landrover????

So you've actualy fitted one of these fan type things have ya?

If so ........ and if it was mine ................ yes i would remove it

A hyclone kit however has no moving parts so cant damage the engine by flying to bits at "60.000 rpm" ;)
Certainly does ;)

Like i said got mine free with a load of other bits bought from a well known auction site so i've lost nothing by fitting mine ................ would i go out and spend good money on another kit though?????????
NO :p

In fact this Hiclone looks very much like the supercharger without the moving parts.
Also it works on a concept of altering the standard air flow.

It has improved my acceleration but not my MPG

Speaking as a motor mechanic i can honestly say that giving the engine of your car a FULL service will benefit it more than ANY of these fuel saver/miracle cures ;)

How many of us neglect general servicing (filters, plugs etc) and then wonder why fuel consumption has gone up etc etc :p

Try checking your tyre pressures too and emptying the boot of all the unessacary crap that seems to accumilate in there ..................... makes a big difference ;)
Speaking as a motor mechanic i can honestly say that giving the engine of your car a FULL service will benefit it more than ANY of these fuel saver/miracle cures ;)

How many of us neglect general servicing (filters, plugs etc) and then wonder why fuel consumption has gone up etc etc :p

Try checking your tyre pressures too and emptying the boot of all the unessacary crap that seems to accumilate in there ..................... makes a big difference ;)

Then why did you fit the hiclone anyway????

100% agree with the servicing bit.
Coming from a mechanic this does,nt come accross as technical advise

It goes like this ........................

Bought joblot from fleabay containing Haynes Extreme Modification Manual, Haynes Disco Manual, Original Land Rover Discovery workshop manual, polybush kit, braided extended brake hoses, various seals n gaskets and the hiclone kit (didn't even know wot a hiclone was at the time) all for the sum of £65.00 delivered ........... BARGAIN :D

Had boost pipes off for cleaning and intercooler clean out and the Mrs brings me a coffee and the hiclone kit and sez .... "you wanna fit this while your at it?" ......... so i just thought ...... "ah bugger it nuthin to lose have i?" and fitted it :p

But i'll say again .............. would i go and spend good money on a hiclone kit or anything similar??????

NO :p
It goes like this ........................

Bought joblot from fleabay containing Haynes Extreme Modification Manual, Haynes Disco Manual, Original Land Rover Discovery workshop manual, polybush kit, braided extended brake hoses, various seals n gaskets and the hiclone kit (didn't even know wot a hiclone was at the time) all for the sum of £65.00 delivered ........... BARGAIN :D

Had boost pipes off for cleaning and intercooler clean out and the Mrs brings me a coffee and the hiclone kit and sez .... "you wanna fit this while your at it?" ......... so i just thought ...... "ah bugger it nuthin to lose have i?" and fitted it :p

But i'll say again .............. would i go and spend good money on a hiclone kit or anything similar??????

NO :p

OH ok
Love the smilies :D

So have you been considering the future purchase of a whirlymijig new fangled miracle fuel saving device?

If so i have a Yamaha Passola with low mileage i'll trade ya :eek: :D

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