
New Member
98 discovery sunroof leak for 4 months. Took headliner down today and drains are functioning. Leak is in back sunroof rear driver side screw on sunroof pan. Can I just remove screw add silicone and replace screw? Or more work needed?? Thanks
No, just replace the faulty seal that's the cause or the water ingress, that will be either the glass seal or the sunroof frame seal. two seals so not a big issue if the vehicles headlining is removed already.
I've had this issue before and although the correct fix is to replace the seals as discool says, I have carried out a quick fix by gre adding the seals with a heavy duty clear grease. This softens up the rubber and creates a seal when the sunroof is closed. It won't last forever, but will probably get you through a uk winter.
For the glass seal, there's a few available via eBay suppliers.
Or u may get this posted to you.
For the frame seal a polyurethane sealant such as Silkaflex 221 seems to be the stuff to use according to the Forum your local hardware store may have it or similar
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For the glass seal, there's a few available via eBay suppliers.
Or u may get this posted to you.
For the frame seal a polyurethane sealant such as Silkaflex 221 seems to be the stuff to use according to the Forum your local hardware store may have it or similar
He is in the USA........ so what you linked, is a Not able to post to the USA items
He is in the USA........ so what you linked, is a Not able to post to the USA items
Now isn't that a shame, I thought New York was in Yorkshire.
Get the part posted to someone in the UK and for them to forward it on is an option, maybe..

If things get difficult for the OP find a seal I have one that I can send to New York, I purchased it years ago and so far have had no need for it as I don't use my sunroofs. l didn't won't them but had to have them :(
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We fitted black tap washers under the heads of the screws, Home Depot will have some that are just bigger than the screw heads.


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