who is up for it?

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the fords shouldn't trouble any landy (if not hit like a loony) the one at tirling i took slow and it was washing around the top of my chassis the one at little baddow(in the vid) i hit far too fast (scared the crap out of the bloke in the van) but anyone with a freelander or such that comes along doesn't have to do the deep water as there are ways round or one of the doozel motors could tow them through
the fords shouldn't trouble any landy (if not hit like a loony) the one at tirling i took slow and it was washing around the top of my chassis the one at little baddow(in the vid) i hit far too fast (scared the crap out of the bloke in the van) but anyone with a freelander that comes along better not do ANY water, as one of us will have to follow and pick up the doors and other parts which will fall off when it gets wet.:D

Yeah sounds alright if they are proper fords and not just wading across a river we petrolists should be sound(even tho I have got my motor sorted yet!)
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if anyone doesn't want to get their motor wet i'm sure there will be a free seat in another motor i will have a free seat there may even be a rear seat available too,

to be honest the fords won't bee too bad i'm not going to include the tidal crossings due to the problem of having to time the drive spot-on, all but the freelanders should be anle to do the tirling ford
think this fred is messing about with me computer, it keeps telling me theres new posts but there aint.Have we got a defo date and route and that?You doing it all G man?Fair play to ya if ya are.
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i'm still to find the route (gonna get in touch with the essex landrover club for ideas/maps) lamriska if you come down and meet us you can catch a ride
why would i need to catch a ride , got me own bus ain' i is that 24th feb or jan , cos jan i cant do
we stopped and had chat with the essex LR club last year , the fella who's in charge of the laning takes all the photos of their events , nice bloke , photocopies A4 size maps & laminates them & marks out the route for the group - very professional like
Pencil me in for this one....

My mrs is an Essexgirl and reckons it's too flat for serious laning!

I think the non-driving tart should put a sock in it and let me go, then she can go to Lakeside/Bluewater and shop while we all get mucky in gert big wagons!


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