who is up for it?

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wud be three groups of 4, if everyone brings a motta. Cant see a prob - but G-spot needs to be aware of that to organise 3 groups running amok over Essex;)
Yeah the votes sez 11 yeps, plus 1 no dk17 so there should be a a good turn out but there is the chance that there be a few dropping out.I dont get a car sorted till this weekend and thats if all goes well.
3 groups shouldn't be a problem as i will sort a map for each group/ vehicle, and i will be reachable via phone (or poss cb by then) i am also gonna have a go at putting the start to each lane as POIs of tomtom users (i am gonna drive all the lanes the week before if anyone wants to tag along)
thats how yer spent ya day gman?Rains been real heavy all week, bet yagot yer new riggers wet!I still havent sorted a vehicle for laning the missus made me go shopping and i missed the end of a rr classic i was bidding on by 4 mins!Went for 690 and i would have given 750 for it!Bastid!Still got 2 tdi discos to look at this week tho
yup riggers got wet, glad i finnished the snokel as the whole engine bay was flooded. the level had dropped from last night where it was at 4 feet
the first time i went down there(forgot me phone that time) there was a bloke in a bobtail rangie(V8) who made it through
yep sunday 24th feb, the week before i plan to do some recon work and check the lanes out if (to see which ones are drivable, see the state of the overgrowth) if i can get someone (a local) to come along on the reccy day too! (to be a second group leader as there will need to be more than one group on the day)
WAHOOO!:) :D :D :cool: :cool: :) :)
Im off to get me new(new to me anyhow) V8 Rangie tommorrow!looking forward to getting it muddy already!Might be able to give you a hand with the reccy cos im well keen and local but depends what day ya wanna go, what with me being a range rover owning socialite and that!
sundays should be all good.Ill get me motor home, check its not a minger and let you know.Do you have a preferred date?The Rangies probably still going to have road boots on it, will that be ok?Cant afford new uns till next pay day!
road rubber should be ok i will have A/Ts on and i might even have some second hand M/Ts on so if ye get stuck (very unlikely if you use difflock on tuff sections) i could tow you out

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