
New Member
There used to be a dude in liverpool that made window grills for defenders he used to advertise on flebay you could get them with defender written in em anyone know anyone that may do this kind of service or know the fella ? Thanks.
im pretty sure i saw something like this on the bay the other week - i'll have a search for ya :)

Yeah i was looking into the mantec ones but apparently they go rusty quickly on the external ones !
Hmm I thought of this and I went along to speak to them put they wanted a load of photos and exact measurements and that but I haven't got em to give to him !
Yeah i would but i need pictures of the external guards and measurements of them and i havent got them have i so i cant measure sumfin i aint got can a !
no but you can measure the size of the windows and go from there!
add a bit at each end to connect to the side panels job done
how do they connect to the body are the fixing just flat to the steel if so then do they not hit the seal?

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