
Active Member
Ok guys, still pretty new to this 4x4 stuff and tried a search but to no avail... not sure I'm even looking for the right thing to be honest. But ever keen to learn...

Noticed an odd noise coming from the range rover (95 4.0l) been there for a week or so now.

The only way to describe it is a very low thumping (like someone thumping a pillow!) as your driving along. its seems to be changing speed equal to the car so I'm guessing its something in the drivetrain but its quite faint so hard to tell.

So far I've checked the transmission fluid which is nice and red and sitting at the correct level, the rear diff oil which was changed a few months back when I serviced it. The front diff oil was also changed at the same time but topped up only the other week as I have both front half shaft oil seals leaking. Sadly, I've been putting it off as I hear its a pig of a job and its bloody freezing out there! have been checking and topping up the front diff every couple of weeks to be on the safe side.

Going to have a good butchers at the weekend but with little knowledge of 4 wheel drive systems it would be great to know beforehand what I else I can check for? Any know weak points? Places to check for wear and slop (No jokes now!)

Cheers guys
Had a similar sound on a different vehicle though and it turned out to be a tyre.The casing had weakened and there was a bubble on the surface of the tyre about the size of a fist.
Have you greased the propshaft UJ?

I haven't to be honest, how often does this need done? any recommendation on which grease to use?

Tires have been checked as I originally thought it could be a stone caught in the tread and they're fine and the pressures get checked once a week cos i'm anal like that! :eek:
Yea grease up your shaft m8, she will love you for it (long time)

Any grease will do, its just lube to stop as much metal to metal contact as you can, you need a grease gun, as you have to attach it to nipples and squeeze your gun (honestly I'm trying my best to make this part clean... but I give up) just keep pumping until it comes out the other side then you'll know its full of grease (Then wipe the excess off with a tissue :D )
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...said the Actress to the bishop!

I'll have to go a borrowing from me work then! ;)

Cheers guys, I'll update once its greased and see if that works.
I haven't to be honest, how often does this need done? any recommendation on which grease to use?

Tires have been checked as I originally thought it could be a stone caught in the tread and they're fine and the pressures get checked once a week cos i'm anal like that! :eek:

I had a thump from the tyres on my Subaru - turned out to be that they were worn down to the depth indicators and it was them which were making the noise.

Problem solved!

Passenger side wheel bearing was shot. Think the leak from the half shaft might have washed it out but its changed now and noise gone!

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