
New Member
Just thinking if i wanted to fit a Tractor style exhaust stack, in the tub of a defender 300TDI other than looks would it have any benefits. Or would it just look ****e:rolleyes:
Logic being, if going through water and stall, the higher the exhaust is out of the water the better!
Like i say just thinking things!!!!!!
Just thinking if i wanted to fit a Tractor style exhaust stack, in the tub of a defender 300TDI other than looks would it have any benefits. Or would it just look ****e:rolleyes:
Logic being, if going through water and stall, the higher the exhaust is out of the water the better!
Like i say just thinking things!!!!!!
have you got a truck cab
yep truck cab, On a ****ty day the north sea is a tempting place to put it! Like i say just thinking you dont see that many pictures using these, so they are either crap, look crap, a waist of time or just hard work so most people can't be bothered. Some times different is good though:D:D
I saw one the other day. It was a bright loomy green 110 truck cab,might of even been a high cap. It had a tractor style exhuast with one of them clinking covers(don't know what their called) It didn't look too bad,however it sounded awefull. Infact a tractor would of sounded nicer.
saw a series truck cab all modded up a while ago with a lorry stack mounted behind the cab, looked really sexy and I was planing to do it to my lightweight before I decided not to put the truck cab back on.
on a wet blowy night the wind will lift the tinkly cap... rain will fill the exhaust and bugger yer engine that way :lalala:
on a wet blowy night the wind will lift the tinkly cap... rain will fill the exhaust and bugger yer engine that way :lalala:

OH of course, thats why people with old lorrys cant use a upright exhaust.. :bored:
to be fair its more common in old tractors that stand outside for weeks without being started....empty bake bean tin over the top does help stop it happening...surprising how far the tin will fly if you start on open throttle without removing the tin first.
Just for Trailpug. Captured it on the day I caught the Landy bug back in 2007. :D



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