
New Member
Hi all.

I am new to the forum but looking to do some greenlaning round, near or within a shortish distance to Huddersfield, anywhere west yorkshire really.

I have been looking at OS maps to find somewhere legal and there doesn't seem to be much in the area that I have found so far.

Is there anyone out there who can give me some guidance?

Today I went for a drive round blackmoorfoot quarrry. There are a few byways there, one good fun and obviously not used very often.

I found that the byways shown of Sandylane is actually a bridleway and not passable by vehicle. Theother one is blocked of by boulders to prevent access.

I found one good lane in the area (happy to give map coordinates to anyone who wants to know), but after trying another in the area I had a chat to a nice woman who lives in the farm and found that the byway shown going through Nether moor farm is in dispute (told her I will not try and use that route again to stop unnecessary aggravation to the locals and would encourage others to do likewise), they are happy for walkers and horses coming through but not for anything with an engine. It seems they feel the road should be a restricted byway rather than a byway as shown by the OS map.

So where can I go that would be fun? I am new to greenlaning and have a landrover discovery I with road tyres any information would be gratefully received. Obviously I am only after legal routes

Thanks in advance.
there some good lanes around holmfirth 4 u 2 do so mate this is 1 off r trips good days laning
Keep your eye out on green laing thread north yorks laners ive done 10 trips so far this year great day's out with some top lads

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