Just a question.

New member. Joined yesterday. Driving a Honda. First thread up was a ‘I am stuck’ thread.

Not a forum regular/contributor etcetera.

Is LZIR just turning into some sort of freebie rescue service for any old Tom dick and Harry??

Is it a bad thing if people are coming asking for help? It's up to each of us whether or not we choose to help. Personally I'm not interested what car they're driving, or whether they're a regular contributor to the forum - if I can help someone in need I will.

I'd like to think that if any of us were out Laning send came across the same situation we would (unless there was cause for concern for personal safety) stop and help.

That said, if more people carried basic recovery kit and stopped to help when coming across a broken down car in a bad position rather than just tutting at the traffic jam it's causing, we'd all be a bit safer and the roads would flow a bit better.
Is it a bad thing if people are coming asking for help? It's up to each of us whether or not we choose to help. Personally I'm not interested what car they're driving, or whether they're a regular contributor to the forum - if I can help someone in need I will.

I'd like to think that if any of us were out Laning send came across the same situation we would (unless there was cause for concern for personal safety) stop and help.

That said, if more people carried basic recovery kit and stopped to help when coming across a broken down car in a bad position rather than just tutting at the traffic jam it's causing, we'd all be a bit safer and the roads would flow a bit better.
your near enough to help
Just seen the latest post. Happy to help but wouldn't be until the morning (seasonal alcohol related issues). However, really depends whether a standard 4x4 would be any use in the situation - don't have a winch etc.
Do we have any pics or more details? - some photos of how the vehicles are stuck and the terrain might allow the collective team here to share ideas on how best to get them out....
Do we have any pics or more details? - some photos of how the vehicles are stuck and the terrain might allow the collective team here to share ideas on how best to get them out....

Info isn't very forthcoming, it might be due to poor reception idk.

I'll keep trying
the location on here doesn't make sense (A4065 is nowhere near Swansea / Brecon - it's a bypass near Bridgend) so guessing either 4067 or 465. ?
@brian47 has been winched up the incline but can't get any further as the winch vehicle is unable to reverse out due to slipping slideways.

Apparently someone with a tirfor and ground anchor (but no 4x4) is on the way but thats slow, hard work and there's 3 vehicles to move so anyone that fancies helping out is more than welcome.

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