LZIR does need it's own 'shout for help' sticky thread that is easily seen.

Thought it was understood.....
Post on here and someone would notify Ratty or me. We would then co-ordinate it.

But you guys did it all locally. A much better option if possible.
To be fair, I only learnt about it on a chance phone call to Matt. It was at this point he asked for help.
I'm sure an[other] SOS would of been put out on here at some point.
Going to sulk that my ability to rescue bods not considered up to scratch....:(

admittedly my lack of any rescue equipment, road tyres, complete inability to find my way and lack of any previous rescue experience and the fact that more often than not it's me being rescued may have been a factor...but i think real reason is coz I is a gurl :p
Going to sulk that my ability to rescue bods not considered up to scratch....:(

admittedly my lack of any rescue equipment, road tyres, complete inability to find my way and lack of any previous rescue experience and the fact that more often than not it's me being rescued may have been a factor...but i think real reason is coz I is a gurl :p

You would certainly have been able to make yourself useful

Making tea for the men, wash the cars after...
well, if local boys are in the mood to rescue....

anyone with a swr meter fancy helping swr my cb in?

damn swr meter I bought doesn't work! and I've just finished installing the cb and aerial

May well PM you if I can get over.
(Am stuck at home at min)

Can't leave for work issues and because a bloke is apparantly coming to buy some wheels

May well PM you if I can get over.
(Am stuck at home at min)

Can't leave for work issues and because a bloke is apparantly coming to buy some wheels

Tomorra might be best. :rolleyes:
Just got a phone call from SWMBO to say were eating at her sisters tonight ................. :(
oh them pics of matt made me spit my beer of the laptop hehe:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Going to sulk that my ability to rescue bods not considered up to scratch....:(

admittedly my lack of any rescue equipment, road tyres, complete inability to find my way and lack of any previous rescue experience and the fact that more often than not it's me being rescued may have been a factor...but i think real reason is coz I is a gurl :p

So come on then lads what we need is;

- a location somewhere close to Rugby
- preferably on a main road (a pub car park would be ideal)
- a very obvious vehicle (why does Sirus spring to mind)
- out of 110's working hours but before she gets drunk
- no problem with the car but a driver feeling faint from hunger

shouldn't be too difficult to arrange.
well its normaly mark stuck so will let you off:p

Tell you what though, those feds are awesome. Used them in proper anger today and they glued themselves to the mud even hauling two ton of Disco behind up a grass bank.

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