it went tits up... Matt's got himself stuck... Mark L on route to help though...


(Matt is the one at the front supposedly rescuing the guy behind :/)
just hope the bobble hat brigade don't decide to go on a walk down there today... :/
fecks sake

c'mon, update us - have you starved to death yet?

Or do you need someone else to bail you both out?
Recovery apparently successful and rescuee now buying a round in the Cafe!
So while all you grandstanders sat and discussed the mayhem we completed the mission and I am pleased to say it was a success.

Yes I have to agree that we had a few, shall we say erm moments.

The original rescue was this:

Performed succesfully and in a matter of moments.
But unfortunately due to a serious lack of local knowledge on my part ended up like this.


With some subsequent this:


A smidge of this....


...and finally a large portion of this......


So thanks to Mark L for the use of his winch and I will now wire mine up again.

I am assured that although this was private land, the rescuee had full permission to be there and very capable of losing his dog which needed rescuing by driving a Discovery into a stream.

I'm off for a nap as this whole affair has been very tiring and I feel fat due to the belly buster with extra black pudding it cost Tom to be rescued.

Although we never charge for a rescue this was an exception as I answered the call before I'd had breakfast.
"So while all you grandstanders sat and discussed the mayhem we completed the mission and I am pleased to say it was a success."

dont think LZIR was notified............. luckily ;)
"So while all you grandstanders sat and discussed the mayhem we completed the mission and I am pleased to say it was a success."

dont think LZIR was notified............. luckily ;)

LZIR does need it's own 'shout for help' sticky thread that is easily seen.
It was all fun got a drive in a reaal disco which was good! Thanks lads for the help I did have permission to be there from my enduro days!
Thanks again lads
Rescuer rescuing the rescuer of the original rescuee...


And again:


And now the original rescuer attaching his rescuer to his rescuee...


And then sausage and egg sandwiches followed courtesy of rescuee no.1.
I have no evidence of this. *Burp* :D

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