You didn’t have to go. It was your choice.
100 miles ea way is a long trip. Good on you.
One assumes you didnt do it for the money?
No not for the money but maybe a misguided sense of helping the Land Rover community, but it appears most don’t want to put anything back into the community.
No not for the money but maybe a misguided sense of helping the Land Rover community, but it appears most don’t want to put anything back into the community.

It's a bit of a catch 22.

The more some put in the more it inspires others to....the less the sense of community the more think that if nobody else is gonna put themselves out why should they?

It's a tricky balance, nobody should feel obligated but the community is as real as we make it.

Things feel a bit flat and divided everywhere ATM, and I don't just mean here.
No not for the money but maybe a misguided sense of helping the Land Rover community, but it appears most don’t want to put anything back into the community.
We could discuss all day whether it is “most” or “ a few”, 5% or 80%.
All I can say is that “we”, as a community, owe you. Karma is a wonderful thing :).

It isn't the first time that ungrateful peeps have been helped, or even had stuff stolen, but one has to decide whether you would like to be helped, in the same circumstances?

As I said previously, only individuals can make that decision based upon distance, complexity and your circumstances at the time. No ill will is thought if you decide not to go out.
The only thing I would ask, is those that decide not to be part of LZIR, notify @blue beasty and me, so we can remove your details from our contacts list.
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I suspect in this case it also comes down to people being suitably equipped. I live about 2 hours from Kington, and would quite happily have responded under normal circumstances to a plea for help if closer assistance wasn't available. Likewise when I had a broken down D2 I received advice and support very quickly (didnt need a "turnout" in the end, but got the answers i needed very quickly and was able to get up and running again thanks to people on here) I am sure plenty of people have been keeping an eye on the LZIR forum over the last couple of days.

However, just to get to the OP's location (before even thinking about a recovery) would require two very well kitted out 4x4s working in tandem, not a road-spec D3 on ATs. I suspect the lack of available help was, really, a lack of suitable vehicles and people with the confidence to do a winter rescue in very serious conditions.
However, just to get to the OP's location (before even thinking about a recovery) would require two very well kitted out 4x4s working in tandem, not a road-spec D3 on ATs. I suspect the lack of available help was, really, a lack of suitable vehicles and people with the confidence to do a winter rescue in very serious conditions.
see post #11 :)

I have been a member of off road recovery (Facebook group) for a while and have helped out when people have been local, I was sent to this site from Facebook I didn't know about it! I wouldn't of been ungrateful for any assistance and I will be joining lzri and more than willing to help! We have done lanes like strata Florida, happy valley and bastard lane without any problems, we have had a fair bit of experience in winching and recovery and our trucks are well equipped. This time I don't think we realized how bad the snow would be up there!! It was a genuine mistake and we won't be making it again in a hurry. :(
I have been a member of off road recovery (Facebook group) for a while and have helped out when people have been local, I was sent to this site from Facebook I didn't know about it! I wouldn't of been ungrateful for any assistance and I will be joining lzri and more than willing to help! We have done lanes like strata Florida, happy valley and bastard lane without any problems, we have had a fair bit of experience in winching and recovery and our trucks are well equipped. This time I don't think we realized how bad the snow would be up there!! It was a genuine mistake and we won't be making it again in a hurry. :(
everyone is allowed one mistake.

glad you are on board ;). Stay and have a look around. Its a good craic :D
I have been a member of off road recovery (Facebook group) for a while and have helped out when people have been local, I was sent to this site from Facebook I didn't know about it! I wouldn't of been ungrateful for any assistance and I will be joining lzri and more than willing to help! We have done lanes like strata Florida, happy valley and bastard lane without any problems, we have had a fair bit of experience in winching and recovery and our trucks are well equipped. This time I don't think we realized how bad the snow would be up there!! It was a genuine mistake and we won't be making it again in a hurry. :(

Tom I'm in Wolverhampton so not a million miles away. If you do any lanes locally suitable for standard disco 2 on AT's I'd be more than happy to tag along and act as a mobile anchor and stop you getting into trouble :D
No way I could have helped apart from a lift to a motel from the nearest gritted road. Serious rescue stuff this. Probably tractor territory.
The chaps obviously had the nouce to survive in such a situation and probably did the right thing by staying put. I think the plea went out before the situation became a little hopeless so a good job nobody waded in and got trapped themselves.

Well done everyone

Carry on.

Henry is stuck on the drive. Can someone drop off a galvanized chassis, a set of defender axles, some Unimog running gear and a V8. I have half a can of special brew for the first arrival.

the would sometimes come out easy if u pulled them back, failing that , would give them a gentle tug again backwards but with the landy

found them really effective

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