Do not forget pictures, cos we like pictures.

Have you got enough fuel to keep one engine running on tickover to keep warm? Assuming the heater is working. It's going to get cold tonight and this could become dangerous for you.
Forecast for the area is down to -3°, don't try it unless you can guarantee heat through the night
Thanks for everyone's concern, we have enough diesel to run through the night and have a gas cooker for extra bit of heat! Is there anyone available tomorrow local to us to help? We may have 2-3 others coming tomorrow to help! When we came on the lane we saw a 360 excavator so ifball else fails we are going to ask the farmer for help
Thanks for everyone's concern, we have enough diesel to run through the night and have a gas cooker for extra bit of heat! Is there anyone available tomorrow local to us to help? We may have 2-3 others coming tomorrow to help! When we came on the lane we saw a 360 excavator so ifball else fails we are going to ask the farmer for help
Good luck with that, I'm sat by a woodburner :p Something to tell your grandkids. I got stuck in Wales one night and spent the night in a skanky caravan on someone's farm :D
Good luck with that, I'm sat by a woodburner :p Something to tell your grandkids. I got stuck in Wales one night and spent the night in a skanky caravan on someone's farm :D

Nice, I spent an early March night on Scafell pike, my survival blanket turned into radar was cold. Who needs a sleeping bag!

Thanks for everyone's concern, we have enough diesel to run through the night and have a gas cooker for extra bit of heat! Is there anyone available tomorrow local to us to help? We may have 2-3 others coming tomorrow to help! When we came on the lane we saw a 360 excavator so ifball else fails we are going to ask the farmer for help
I feel sorry for you guys out in this - I assume you've put it on all the local FB 4x4 sites?
I'm sure you know not to be tempted to keep the gas cooker inside :eek::eek:
Good luck! :)

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