Now thats the kind of detail i'm talking about...Amazing explanation. So when mine was blocked, all the bubbles were pumped round the system. It should have been running like a cow...
So Charlsey am I right in thinking that wot your saying is that the lift pump wants to be inbetween the tank and the filter?!?!?!?
It’s like a revelation.

It’s not just the position of the components; it’s the function of the pin hole. Without this working correctly it will never work at full power. It will always have air in the system. Fecking amazing. The thing must have been blocked for years. I really had to dig the solidified ****e out of the pin hole back into the hollow bolt.

It was about the time the rear diff let go that I unblocked the hole. Once the reconditioned diff was in, the Land Rover felt better all round. This was nothing to do with the diff, and everything to do with the pin hole in the bolt.

Sorry you had to repeatedly beat it into me.

May your house be blessed with good fortune...
Reet, bin fiddlin wi mi o’s. Figured if it ad bin bunged up for age’s yan mer trip oot waint matter…

Took it for a drive with everything as standard on the top of the filter housing. Nice ride out really. Felt ok at low revs nice smooth power thrashed it a bit and again nice and smooth. Parked up blanked off the return to tank, and provided alternative path for injector bleed return then set off back home.

Rough as bulls lugs….low revs it didn’t feel too bad to start off with but did eventually feel lumpy. High revs very lumpy couldn’t get to the speeds I was getting before and more slowing down on hills. Put it back to standard when I got home.

Why? Cos I wanted to…Now I know the difference and I felt the difference.
Oh Deary Me ...... !

It begins to look like we all got there eventually!

By the way, I'm pretty old really.
What I'm saying is even though I may seem smart with some of these answers, I amn't really. I'm just experienced by many years of making all those mistakes, and hoping no-one found out. That was in the days before compooooters, and it was easier to hide one's stupid mistakes!

But, up to the 300 tdi models, the fuel systems in Landies was very straightforward and logical. In the olden days we had to sit down and look at the bits and work it out. I think that has resulted in us oldies being better than today's youngsters at doing that.

I think that has resulted in us oldies being better than today's youngsters at doing that.
Aye you can say that again. Take their Ipods of em and there fooked.
Ask yer bairns, they'll help you ord uns oot.

My dad's a liability when it comes to technology. I can't stop him buying stuff he doesn't understand or need. He thinks bashing the mouse hard on the desk solves computer problems. joiners....tsk.

It's nice that I can fix something for him for a change.
bashing the mouse hard on the desk solves computer problems
Wot, are you telling me it dunt, next you'll be saying that tapping on the monitor to get the computers attention dunt help either!!!
yup - try it next time the pc is playin up - stroke the top of the monitor and speak kindly - it will work agin then.
What are you trying to say about joiners? Do you think we are all rough heavy handed buggers? Actually you wouldn't be far off.
The last "joiner" we had here wouldn't have been able to join his hands together with superglue.

Then the plumber thought he could make water flow uphill by itself.

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