
The Police can stop any vehicle on a public road whilst in full uniform under the RTA .... just for document check.,, thats the one they can always fall back on.... then they get into the other stuff, ESD's, tyres, etc. They dont need reasonable cause / grounds or for you to be commiting a traffic offence.

BTW you can even get stuck on for not having windscreen wash fluid.

The RTA is irrelevant, the UK is these days a Police state where the Police can stop anyone, anywhere, at any time without any reason just or otherwise using the so called anti terror laws. You can be stopped by the Police for the simple pleasure of harrasing you:(
^^ and beating you up, i remember the old days (yea them were the days, scurvy leaches and bubonic plague) were they just swore at you and hit you with there truncheon (used to be made of hardwood, not the namby pamby ones they use today (you know you got hit by one then) they used to take you back to the cells and give you a right going over, and then let you out the next day probably with the thought "he learned his lesson now" and you didn't end up in court, but i will add it wasn't for traffic offences, more serous stuff than that
Sec 43 & 44 [1 & 2 ] re Terrorism, nowadays only specific places can be used , depending on the area, Westminster , yes all day long., country Road,, errr i think not.. when they fill in their 5090's, that have to give a reason, then get it signed by their skipper, but the RTA , anytime/place, and they dont have to fill any stop slips out .
Sec 43 & 44 [1 & 2 ] re Terrorism, nowadays only specific places can be used , depending on the area, Westminster , yes all day long., country Road,, errr i think not.. when they fill in their 5090's, that have to give a reason, then get it signed by their skipper, but the RTA , anytime/place, and they dont have to fill any stop slips out .

thought it was c12's ?
Doh.... in the MET its a 5090, stop & account/search, if traffic related paperwork , poss HORT1 onwards depending, however due to PNC and the MIB being used, not many producers are done nowadays ..
Doh.... in the MET its a 5090, stop & account/search, if traffic related paperwork , poss HORT1 onwards depending, however due to PNC and the MIB being used, not many producers are done nowadays ..

hort1's have been out of service for years as far as i know ?

and you would be in breach of anti terror laws by using it as an excuse for traffic offences........DOH back
bit different over here, have to have all your paperwork / licence with you at all times if not an on the spot fine of 250€ for each bit missing, I got stopped on Friday afternoon in a routine roadside pull in. All paperwork ok, safety jacket checked for the correct "E" mark and also warning triangle checked - everything in order for me but not for a few others, if you do not have the cash to pay or your credit card cannot go through on there mobile card machine (British cards do not work on mulitibanco terminals) you are taken to the nearest atm to obtain the cash and if no payment your car is impounded till its paid
bit different over here, have to have all your paperwork / licence with you at all times if not an on the spot fine of 250€ for each bit missing, I got stopped on Friday afternoon in a routine roadside pull in. All paperwork ok, safety jacket checked for the correct "E" mark and also warning triangle checked - everything in order for me but not for a few others, if you do not have the cash to pay or your credit card cannot go through on there mobile card machine (British cards do not work on mulitibanco terminals) you are taken to the nearest atm to obtain the cash and if no payment your car is impounded till its paid

plus you do not argue as they all carry 9mm's as there side arm and there policy is shoot first ask questions later
I wont be going to Portugal anytime soon.

Yup, can still issue HORT1's but PNC clears that, plus if somebody is going to get stuck on FPN or FPNE you can request certain docs need to be produced, however back to PNC checks should have been done , as the station desk officers get ****ed off with people bringing in their producers
I wont be going to Portugal anytime soon.
Do not get me wrong Portugal is great, you just have to be aware of the different laws and the way they enforce them - local Police are always in the cafes and on any laning days (driving with you) its the GNR that are the bastids!!
I wont be going to Portugal anytime soon.

Yup, can still issue HORT1's but PNC clears that, plus if somebody is going to get stuck on FPN or FPNE you can request certain docs need to be produced, however back to PNC checks should have been done , as the station desk officers get ****ed off with people bringing in their producers

yep that I know as I used to work for a premier constabulary not the chav constab !!!!

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