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Hi folks

After driving my Toyota Yaris to the breakers yard today (knackered engine) I now have to use my Disco 2 as my 'main' car for commuting to Manchester every day (500 miles a week). I want to have some visual security to deter thieves whilst parked in an NCP car park all day. Does anyone have any experience of This Device sold by Halfords...or recommend anything else similar?

Hi folks

After driving my Toyota Yaris to the breakers yard today (knackered engine) I now have to use my Disco 2 as my 'main' car for commuting to Manchester every day (500 miles a week). I want to have some visual security to deter thieves whilst parked in an NCP car park all day. Does anyone have any experience of This Device sold by Halfords...or recommend anything else similar?


What did you do to the Yaris? :confused: Toyota engines usually run for ever if they are serviced!
Personally I always like the Disclok, Have one on the 90, not sure how they fit discos tho?
I may have to wander outside and see how it fits.

Do you really need one on a D2?

I have a similar device from halfords that I bought around 15 years ago, the main difference is it's half a disc and yellow. I bought it to put on my Freelander, I still have my Freelander.
No need to do the jokes about no-one wanting to knick a Freelander, I've heard them all.
After having my work van stolen earlier this year, work bought a disc lock for the van I have now, that's still outside....well it was 10 minutes ago:eek:
I think it's more a visual deterrent than anything, thieves will always go for the easy target.
But for my money, they're worth every penny.
What did you do to the Yaris? :confused: Toyota engines usually run for ever if they are serviced!

I actually gave the Yaris TWO oil + filter changes a year (every 6k as I do 12k a year). The engine block rusted so badly it exposed the oil and coolant gallies and it leaked oil and coolant. It had done nearly 160k miles in 8 years and NEVER broke down. I only got £70 from the scrapman :(
I actually gave the Yaris TWO oil + filter changes a year (every 6k as I do 12k a year). The engine block rusted so badly it exposed the oil and coolant gallies and it leaked oil and coolant. It had done nearly 160k miles in 8 years and NEVER broke down. I only got £70 from the scrapman :(

Tis why LR products are betterer as they leak as soon as they are run, so the oil on the outside protects the engine and the front underneath of the car.

I have a similar device from halfords that I bought around 15 years ago, the main difference is it's half a disc and yellow. I bought it to put on my Freelander, I still have my Freelander.
No need to do the jokes about no-one wanting to knick a Freelander, I've heard them all.
After having my work van stolen earlier this year, work bought a disc lock for the van I have now, that's still outside....well it was 10 minutes ago:eek:
I think it's more a visual deterrent than anything, thieves will always go for the easy target.
But for my money, they're worth every penny.
Mike and Neilly must have bought One of These which is more than double the price of the Stoplock. I don't mind paying the extra money if it really works. I guess the thieves know the ones that are easy to remove and the ones that just take too long. I spotted a YouTube test video (for Land Rover security) Here
Tis why LR products are betterer as they leak as soon as they are run, so the oil on the outside protects the engine and the front underneath of the car.

Ha...very true. Land Rover engineers designed it that way for longevity :D
Personally I always like the Disclok, Have one on the 90, not sure how they fit discos tho?
I may have to wander outside and see how it fits.

Do you really need one on a D2?

Yeah, I'd go with the Disclok too. I do have one, but in all fairness the Disco 2 does have a fairly reasonable security system.
I'm just wondering since when somebody can steel a D2 which has it's security system in good working order.... IMO better invest in the D2 to be 100% functional and keep the fob safe cos then nobody can steel it in few minutes..beside that the alarm will scare him away
I wonder whether anyone has actually had a D2 which has been properly immobilised stolen other than being towed / lifted away? I believe Fery is correct that the security is pretty good, especially for a car which is only worth a couple of thousand pounds if stolen. They're unlikely to be shipped out to the Middle East to be driven by oil sheikhs.
I'm just wondering since when somebody can steel a D2 which has it's security system in good working order.... IMO better invest in the D2 to be 100% functional and keep the fob safe cos then nobody can steel it in few minutes..beside that the alarm will scare him away
I wonder whether anyone has actually had a D2 which has been properly immobilised stolen other than being towed / lifted away? I believe Fery is correct that the security is pretty good, especially for a car which is only worth a couple of thousand pounds if stolen. They're unlikely to be shipped out to the Middle East to be driven by oil sheikhs.

I have used a visual deterrent before, not to stop the vehicle being stolen. As I did not believe it would be possible by your everyday car thief and as has been said, for the value , no pro is going to bother.

BUT, to stop the l'ill scrote that thinks he can have it away in the same way as he took that knackered old defender last week for a blast across the fields and woods. By the time they realise it has got noisy, they have broken a window, damaged a door lock, will decide to pillage what I have inside and then run off, leaving me with the pain and aggro for fixing it. Where as a VISUAL deterrent should stop them and make them think, "darn it old bean, I did not bring my battery angle grinder with me ".

BUT, to stop the l'ill scrote that thinks he can have it away in the same way as he took that knackered old defender last week for a blast across the fields and woods. By the time they realise it has got noisy, they have broken a window, damaged a door lock, will decide to pillage what I have inside and then run off, leaving me with the pain and aggro for fixing it. Where as a VISUAL deterrent should stop them and make them think, "darn it old bean, I did not bring my battery angle grinder with me ".
That's a valid point... though if it's some small thief who wants the CD player or something from inside the car this becomes useless again so in this case IMO the best is a proximity motion sensor ... i have fitted one on my wife's santa fe , the volume can be set as to not disturb but to be noticed when you get close and it's not triggered by small animals.... this will keep schmucks from putting theyr's coffee on your bonnet too :cool:
CD Player.................What millennium you living in Old Chap...............:p:p:p
LOL...i dunno exactly but in one in which the vehicle's functionality was moe important than the ICE(especially that i'm using only the radio and nothing else):cool:

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