
Well-Known Member

This Defender was stolen yesterday from Derbyshire Bridge Car Park. This one is very distinctive and was showing DC15 BFN as the registration.
Hope it turns up for you, I guess you have put it on all the social media sites , any cctv in car park
Sorry to hear about this. I saw it on several FB pages in the last 24 hours, including Cheshire police’s page. Hope it is returned safely and those responsible are caught.
Let the OP explain his way out of that one. Though it's not unknown for DVLA to print/enter an error.
I have come across various "stolen" posts in other owner's club groups - invariably turns out to be a bogus posting. DVLA listing never correlates.
Let the OP explain his way out of that one. Though it's not unknown for DVLA to print/enter an error.

Not a scooby! Not my vehicle, it was taken from a Facebook post and as I have an interest in Land Rovers just wanted to help the owner get it back.
Not a scooby! Not my vehicle, it was taken from a Facebook post and as I have an interest in Land Rovers just wanted to help the owner get it back.
Fully understood - but from my experience these "stolen car / bike" Facebook posts are invariably bogus.
I think this one way legit, it was a work colleagues friend who had it nicked, but as for the discrepancies, I dunno
Why would someone post a false "stolen Land Rover" message, doesn't make any sense.
l mean, what would they gain from it?
Not on a public highway so not illegal maybe?
Not SORN or that would show on the DVLA listing.
Seems to have done around 7k miles while untaxed.
Why would someone post a false "stolen Land Rover" message, doesn't make any sense.
l mean, what would they gain from it?
Can't answer that, all I know is that I have seen a number of these "my car / bike has been stolen" postings: invariably a quick DVLA check shows anomalies.

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