
New Member
Hi everyone,

Stolen between 23:30 on Wednesday 14th December and 05:30 on Thursday 15th December, from the pavement outside my house in Pagate, Warrington. It was my prde and joy and I'm desperate to get it back!

Just had a 200tdi engine put in it, has a snorkel, high lift jack on the back and swingaway spare wheel carrier. Silver chequerplate on sills, bonnet wings and in tub. Recently had rear crossmember welded on. There is a safe located between front seats- not heard of anyone doing that so quite unique. The roof rack has been replaced with roof bars since the below pics.





I have obviously reported it to the police but has anyone else got any suggestions because I'm not hopeful the police will be able to find it as they're not 'investigating' as such, just keeping their eyes open for it.


another one gone :doh: sorry to hear this mate,will keep a look out in preston area for it,my guess is it will be in liverpool somewere,what security did you have on it?
Thanks for that. It could be anywhere by now! Sadly I didn't have any alarm or tracker, it was another of those jobs that I've still not got round to... very annoying!


Where did you have all the work done? They knew exactly what was on your landy, knew it inside out and knew where you live... Just a thought.

Sorry for your loss though, it is probably in pieces in Polandy by now.
There was a guy who put an ad on ebay about his 90 that got nicked very clever i thought as if they try and sell it on there it will be seen specially if it has the safe as it makes it stand out just put £1 on it u never know
Me too Andy lol, they always get away with it though don't they!!!

I did all the work myself, and somewhere else, so I can't think of anyone that would know, but I do agree Bump that I do think I've been followed or something because it wasn't really parked somewhere that many people would notice.

I'm in two minds on ebay because in my head I'm hoping to see it for sale on ebay and catch them lol, so wouldn't want to put them off selling it on there!... however that is very unlikely to happen (I am realistic :() but at the same time the ad might be spotted by someone in another county/country who might have seen it somewhere else I suppose!
sorry for your loss she looks lovely!! :(

hope u too get reunited some day !!

yeah i think i need to get an alarm on mine be4 i spend to much money on mods!!
as u all prob know u can open the doors wit a lolly pop stick!!

well ill keep my fingers crossed for you!!

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