I hope you get it back, I'm just up the road and have had mine broken into four times in the last two years, but so far they haven't got the car. My lodger had his 90 taken from the end of the drive a couple of years back and two have been taken from local farms in the last year or two.
Nothing special just what it came with, it was due to be upgraded and head to the old garage on Saturday for all sorts of works. Sods law really :( if they do find my Landy it will be swiftly upgraded and a tracker fitted! Still scouring gumtree, eBay etc just in case they are breaking it up. :(
Have started searching websites in Europe such as Holland, Germany, Belgium etc and then also Poland and seeing if by any chance it is on its way to Pakistan or Africa. They did catch a load of people shipping Defenders to Malta so will check that out as well. I am NOT giving up!!
know exactly how you feel, mine taken overnight off my drive in july. I'm in East Sussex and police seemed to think that it had probably gone Edenbridge way!. Hope you have some luck with getting her back.
It drives you slightly mad! Everywhere we go now I look out for my Scottie and am constantly checking new eBay and other classified listings or breakers bits! Spoke to Land Rover in Edenbridge yesterday and they know about 5 that have been taken in the area in the last week! Mainly TD5's it seems. Will keep on looking!
It drives you slightly mad! Everywhere we go now I look out for my Scottie and am constantly checking new eBay and other classified listings or breakers bits! Spoke to Land Rover in Edenbridge yesterday and they know about 5 that have been taken in the area in the last week! Mainly TD5's it seems. Will keep on looking!

Hate to say this if you have not found it yet you wont. It is either in hundreds of pieces, or in a container for over seas some where, or in a building waiting for it to be broken. It would not be driven around.
Keep trying. Mine was stolen in march. A geochache found the stripped remains a couple of days after i spotted a ringer on ebay. Festooned with stripped parts of my 90.
The scum were traced. Court case was last month. They had been stealing others in the area too. Unfortunately courts could only act on posesson of my stolen engine. But all and sundry knew they had nicked my motor.
Thief was sentanced - 8wks suspended for 2 years - however i was aware other prosecutions were pending. I can happily assume the scum is 'inside'. He wasnt however working alone. This was Berkshire/North Hampshire.

Persistance pays. They'll make another mistake - then you'll get them.
I have also warned an importer of Landy stuff in Greece to be aware.

Best wishes.
Thank you Adriand90 much appreciated. Poor you that must have been awful to find that yours had been toern apart :( I thought I had found bits of the Landy last night on eBay but turns out it was something else. Not giving up though!
Hate to say this if you have not found it yet you wont. It is either in hundreds of pieces, or in a container for over seas some where, or in a building waiting for it to be broken. It would not be driven around.

I hate to agree with Thor ( ... Not hate to agree with Thor in an anti-septic way mind... ;))

But in all probability, it'll be gone...:(
Hopefully it'll turn up but I somehow doubt it now... :mad:
I hate to agree with Thor ( ... Not hate to agree with Thor in an anti-septic way mind... ;))

But in all probability, it'll be gone...:(
Hopefully it'll turn up but I somehow doubt it now... :mad:


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