What is the eBay etiquette if you see what you think is part of your car? A Defender hard spare wheel cover has been listed in West Sussex and am tempted to ask where they got it from! Hmmm would anyone be offended if asked? Seen a new listing for a used genuine hard wheel cover and mine had one when stolen, clutching at straws I know but absolutely determined to get Scottie back!
What is the eBay etiquette if you see what you think is part of your car? A Defender hard spare wheel cover has been listed in West Sussex and am tempted to ask where they got it from! Hmmm would anyone be offended if asked? Seen a new listing for a used genuine hard wheel cover and mine had one when stolen, clutching at straws I know but absolutely determined to get Scottie back!

Could try, they don't sell LR stuff and haven't sold much before. Been on eBay since 2005.

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