Terra Ero

The last few times I've used a nearby ford (which is nicely sited to allow you to miss out the rush hour traffic if you've got a proper 4x4 ). However, I've noticed that from about halfway across the steering suddenly becomes very stiff, and this continues after going up the opposite bank for a couple of yards (so it's not just the pressure of water flow on the wheels ) - theres plenty of fluid in the power steering reservoir and no leaks. At all other times it works fine - it's only when fording and for a few seconds afterwards. I've gone through the previous posts and can't see the same problem. Any thoughts?
I was going to suggest excess water lubrication of the pulley to belt interface, but I wont now :)
Watch you dont get that belt wet cause it may start slipping and yur steering will be affected
it is the chemical reaction of H20 and the steel of the pulley wheels reducing the co-efficient of friction to less than 0

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