Oi yer fat twick, ee's sed water wuz wet. Belts is wet too, but ee' wuz referating to the water inherint wetness in a watery kind offa way.


ffs water int wet .... tis only when it comes into contact wiv something else it reacts and becomes wet:rolleyes:
am not sure water is wet,
ah mean if yer put water on a t-shurt then the t-shurt is wet.
and if yer put more water on the t-shurt then the t-shurt will be wetter but if yer put more water on to water the water dint become wetter.

so it stand to reason that something that shouldn't have water on it can become wet but water as its already got water on it can't be wet.
ergo water is dry
only the water u touch is wet. how do u know that the water next ta the wet water ya touched is also wet?? an, is the water wet or are you wet when ya touch da stuff.

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