Disco 1 1995 V8i Automatic

I have been searching the posts and my problem seems to be fairly common but I can’t get the information that I am after.
The transfer lever was stuck (I suspect through lack of use) but I have exposed it from inside the car and managed to get the High-Low ratio movement restored. However I cannot get the side to side movement fully restored so that the Diff Lock can be engaged.
I can get some movement but not enough to move the vertical diff lock linkage piece. How much movement does it take for the link to be activated? The splined collet on the selector seems to slide over the diff lock push rod My temptation is to hammer the top of the link sideways but I can’t establish the exact mechanism of how it should work so I am reluctant to welly it without understanding it.
I have attached some pics to help clarify
Some of the posts suggest that access to the Diff lock mechanism is possible from underneath but to me this seems difficult without first removing the prop shaft?

Any advice appreciated
View attachment Diff Lock 1.pdf

View attachment Diff Lock 2.pdf

View attachment Diff Linkage.pdf
Maintenance spray, not wd40 and tap pins with clips removed from top
See these 2 video's (not me by the way), cheers you up if nothing else and shows you exactly how it operates.
I removed the housing that you show in Diff Lock 1 by removing the clip and pin to disconnect the linkage and the four studs holding the housing down. I had to drive the shaft the lever tries to move out of the housing and clean it up with wet and dry paper to get it to move freely. You can remove the wire type connection from the diff lock mechanism and use a socket and a long extension to move it as shown on the 2nd video and move the lever to ensure that moves freely. Will make more sense after watching the vids. Good luck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H0AM-SXwSY and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj10MUORtyQ
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I had this problem on my last disco. I never did manage to unseize the difflock. I tried alot of lube, and everything from hitting with a hammer, to a rope around the gear stick and pulling. Not sure if it's a good idea, but you could try to winch it across with a hi-lift if you had a suitable tree or anchor on the left hand side of the car lol.

Here are some useful links. The second, details all the methods recommended to try.

Land Rover Owner • View topic - diff lock cure!!!!!

Fixing a Land Rover Discovery Stuck Differential Lock or Transfer Case
Thanks everyone
I previously had only WD40 but have just been out and got a can of GT85. I'll give every thing a good skoosh and try out the methods described. From the 2nd video it is now apparent that the push rod should be sliding within the collet without the collet itself moving sideways? I hope I can get sufficient working space without resorting to DingleZilla's method. Did you catch his video where he deals with spiders his house?

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