
New Member
Got a 2015 Defender 90 - sunk a hefty chunk of retirement money into buying it new (now living on beans on toast) and fully intended to keep it until I turned my toes up... and then get buried in it!

BUT now I'm seeing the start of the witch hunt against diesels and I'm seriously starting to worry. Plus, there's the rise in thefts (that even the latest Which magazine reported last month).

I love my brick but am now thinking if I should sell up and recoup some money whilst I still can.

What do you think? Worth the pain? Stay or go?

If you don't go into London....keep it....

As for theft, make it as inaccessible as you can, as difficult to move as you can, and make sure your insurance is up to snuff.

Just cos the gov is going bandy about Diesels at the moment doesn't mean we should not still love our Landys, just keep away from the hippy tree hugging, fashionista areas that propose making Diesel owners pay more for their motoring love....personally I hate London, I hate city centres, I am quite happy in the leafy suburbs and only going as close to London as I need to to get stuff done.
Got a 2015 Defender 90 - sunk a hefty chunk of retirement money into buying it new (now living on beans on toast) and fully intended to keep it until I turned my toes up... and then get buried in it!

BUT now I'm seeing the start of the witch hunt against diesels and I'm seriously starting to worry. Plus, there's the rise in thefts (that even the latest Which magazine reported last month).

I love my brick but am now thinking if I should sell up and recoup some money whilst I still can.

What do you think? Worth the pain? Stay or go?


Hello Why Me?, and welcome to the Loonyzone :). I'm already very envious of your new acquisition and to retire at your age, or maybe I'm misunderstanding your profile page, you should certainly stay.:) I'm sure that there are a great number of diesel drivers who are having the same misgivings as you right now, but I don't think any knee jerk reaction is necessary :cool: Here in Ireland, the government encouraged drivers to drop petrol and go diesel, and that's not long ago. Government, in most Countries can't just chop and change whenever the wind direction changes:rolleyes:. But clearly that's one decision that only you can make. Thoughts here in Ireland is that the worst the Government can do is to equalise the tax so that petro and deisel will cost the same.

In regard to theft, that, I understand from the numerous thought expresses here in Loonyzone, that theft is the real issue. Have a good look at recent postings and see what precautions are being made, and follow the best adviceo_O

We all have to accept that if we buy a classic vehicle there will be a price to pay:rolleyes:
I would hold onto it and enjoy it. Yes there is a lot of talk about diesel engines, a few years back it was about petrol engines. If you listen to the Government you wouldn't buy anything, they don't seem to be able to make there mines up. I have a Defender, a Motor home and car all diesel. I can't see them banning them overnight. And we no where near ready to switch to electric yet.
If you don't go into London....keep it....

Trouble is that more will follow London's policy - I can see Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Durham, Brighton etc all jumping on board as well.... plus I bet the road tax categories will change too to screw diesel vehicles even more.

As soon as that happens then the prices of used diesels will bomb.

Hello Why Me?, and welcome to the Loonyzone :). I'm already very envious of your new acquisition and to retire at your age, or maybe I'm misunderstanding your profile page,

Thanks for the welcome :D...

Regarding retirement, I went early because of ill health... so good that I got away with 'time served' but not so good in that health ain't so grand :oops:.

Love the brick but am just worried because it cost an arm and a leg and it's something I'll never be able to do again as a 'pensioner' so don't want to get stiffed....as in having a car that'll be priced / taxed off the road.

Stirring up the anti-car brigade could also take us back to the days of eco-warrior vandals feeling that they are righteous in their 'positive action'.

I'm a born worrier :p.
Trouble is that more will follow London's policy - I can see Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Durham, Brighton etc all jumping on board as well.... plus I bet the road tax categories will change too to screw diesel vehicles even more.

As soon as that happens then the prices of used diesels will bomb.

Thanks for the welcome :D...

Regarding retirement, I went early because of ill health... so good that I got away with 'time served' but not so good in that health ain't so grand :oops:.

Love the brick but am just worried because it cost an arm and a leg and it's something I'll never be able to do again as a 'pensioner' so don't want to get stiffed....as in having a car that'll be priced / taxed off the road.

Stirring up the anti-car brigade could also take us back to the days of eco-warrior vandals feeling that they are righteous in their 'positive action'.

I'm a born worrier :p.

Aren't we all! Only some show it, and others hide it. It's easy for me to comment on your own personal circumstances, but at the end of the day you made a decision to buy, and I'm thinking that you probably deserve ito_O.
I had to retire from a job I loved, after working for too many years in an industry that I was not suited to at all. I've been retired for about six years and it's not been easy. But, I have to think of my health and my three girls who are all still in full time education:eek:. At the end of the day I could pass away anytime, and my feeling is that I have worked incredibly hard since leaving full time education. I don't smoke or drink, so for me I don't worry too much about spending money on my hobbies. :p So do what you feel you deserve and don't let the other f.ers get you down:cool: And, as for worrying, that's just a waste of your energy:rolleyes:
Funny isn't it that diesels emit 'particulates', which at worst would give someone a headache, but even with the exhaust of a 6.2l engine feeding directly into a closed chamber of 2Mc it would take at least 72 hours of partially combusted fuel to cause anything more than sickness!

However, the fumes from a petrol engine, even a well tuned, highly efficient 1.0l engine, emits huge amounts of Carbon Monoxide, which would be fatal in a similar sized chamber within an hour!

Someone is taking the **** as they want all the doozil for military vehicles when we get taken into WWIII
Funny isn't it that diesels emit 'particulates', which at worst would give someone a headache, but even with the exhaust of a 6.2l engine feeding directly into a closed chamber of 2Mc it would take at least 72 hours of partially combusted fuel to cause anything more than sickness!
Sorry, but you are wrong here. Diesel fumes are known to be a group 1 carcinogen, associated with lung and bladder cancer, as well as heart disease and mental impairment in children. The problem with particulates (soot, ash, metal particles, silicates) is that they are tiny (less than 100 nanometres) and penetrate deep into the lungs when inhaled. The lungs lack any mechanism for getting them back out again, as they do with larger particles such as pollen or dust. The study of nanoparticles is still in its infancy, but all research points to the effects of breathing them in to be severe.

Diesel fumes are nasty stuff, and so are petrol fumes in different ways. Let's not kid ourselves.

Spoken as a big fan of the diesel engine, who is picking up a new diesel Land Rover later today :)
"The study of nanoparticles is still in its infancy, but all research points to the effects of breathing them in to be severe."
The fully bought and paid for scientists have been given a 'research' brief to match the results that they have already been given, otherwise the funding stops ... in exactly the same way as it did for the international 'global warming' scam!
Bare in mind that when all our old cars dont meet the latest criteria they wont be scrapped they will be exported to carry on their evil polluting work way beyond their design life and we still get to benefit from the emissions!
"The study of nanoparticles is still in its infancy, but all research points to the effects of breathing them in to be severe."
The fully bought and paid for scientists have been given a 'research' brief to match the results that they have already been given, otherwise the funding stops ... in exactly the same way as it did for the international 'global warming' scam!
Do you have any actual evidence that diesel emissions (including particulates) are essentially harmless? I doubt it.
I am a climate change sceptic myself, so I see where you are coming from, but the evidence that traffic emissions are harmful to human health is far more convincing than the AGW evidence as far as I am concerned.

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