Did you use a compressor to do this, or aerosol cans? Is it as messy as they say? I'll be doing this soon but wondering if I need to take it outside first.
I did use a compressor. I've tried aerosols and the pump sprayer thing they make and to be honest they are not a patch on a compressor. If you prepare well it needn't be too messy. I took it out on the drive and put a load of old cardboard under it. This caught all the drips. Also have plenty of rags handy to clean any off the chassis and don't forget to clean with white spirit before you try to paint it. The waxoyl needs warming up to thin it and get it flowing. Also a lot of people prefer other products and say they are superior to waxoyl. They are more expensive though and I'm not sure my rusty old chassis can justify the best stuff. Whatever you decide I hope goes well.
Thank you Steve. I've got a compressor and dinitrol cavity wax (2x cans) from the restoration show which was on a bit of a deal. I think I might be a can short.

I'm happy to get some cardboard or rags down for drips but I share the workshop with a buddy with a couple of cars, I doubt he wants them covered in wax! I'm just wondering whether the spraying gets enough of it into the air, enough to worry about other things in close proximity? If so I'll have to get it outside.
Thank you Steve. I've got a compressor and dinitrol cavity wax (2x cans) from the restoration show which was on a bit of a deal. I think I might be a can short.

I'm happy to get some cardboard or rags down for drips but I share the workshop with a buddy with a couple of cars, I doubt he wants them covered in wax! I'm just wondering whether the spraying gets enough of it into the air, enough to worry about other things in close proximity? If so I'll have to get it outside.
I have heard reports about everything in the vicinity getting covered but I didn't find it too bad. If in doubt though outdoors is safer.
And now that we are officially in British summer time i'm sure there will be plenty of long, dry, sunny days so we can all get outside more. Maybe.
Agreed - Better safe than sorry!

Lots of sun through the window in the office this morning, fingers crossed its here to stay! :)
I just need to let you all know I've got the best wife in the world. This morning she told me she had had a really bad nightmare last night and hadn't been able to sleep since. It seems in this dream someone had broken into our garage and stole the chassis. It really upset her and she is insisting I make the garage even more secure. What a total sweetheart. Maybe now is a good time to break it to her just how much the rest of the rebuild is likely to cost.:rolleyes:
LOL! I think as the Americans would say "you've got keeper there"!
I knew my other half was ok, when I called her one day and she replied, "can I call you back, Im just watching Top Gear"!
Started to put the top coat on the chassis. Went for satin finish and I really like the way it looks. I've had it for a while but only got round to slapping it on this week.
I got it from Arc rite on Ebay and it was considerably thicker than I thought it would be when I opened it. So much so that I had to quickly order some xylene thinners.
I'm brushing it on not spraying but i'm still wearing a mask. I must say that I have been left with an irritated nose and throat since I finished. I have looked up xylene on line and did not feel it was terribly dangerous especially as I am working in the well ventilated garage or outside. I hope this irritation doesn't turn out to be a problem as I've still got a lot to do.
I checked and the one I bought is the same as the one I linked too. When I'm wearing it I can't smell any paint fumes at all. And my glasses don't steam up either.
For the sake of twenty quid or so it's a no brainer, your health is too important.
How much of the paint did you buy? Was 2.5L enough for 2 coats?
I have got 2.5l and it looks like it will more than enough. I'm needing to thin it almost 1:1 to make it useable. I'm hoping i'll get 2 really good coats on the chassis and both axles covered. I would like to keep a bit back for touch ups in case of accidents as well.
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I checked and the one I bought is the same as the one I linked too. When I'm wearing it I can't smell any paint fumes at all. And my glasses don't steam up either.
For the sake of twenty quid or so it's a no brainer, your health is too important.
I'm going to order one of these masks tonight but I just wondered how long you found they last for? I should have got organised sooner and it won't be here for the weekend now but I've been really busy this week.
I'm going to order one of these masks tonight but I just wondered how long you found they last for? I should have got organised sooner and it won't be here for the weekend now but I've been really busy this week.
I've had the current one for almost a year but don't use it that often. I don't know how often your meant to replace them but I figure so long as I can't smell bad stuff and can still breath through it, it's probably fine. This week I used it while spraying 2k clear coat on wheels and sanding down the bonnet of my MGF. I didn't smell anything the whole time but will probably order a new one soon.
LOL, Not quite. I made an offer of £13 and it was accepted, plus it is a more expensive model with better filters. :p

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