
New Member
hi ! can anyone help me ? my gf tried to start our discovery 300 this morning and the key wont turn at all in the lock ! tried the spare and this wont turn either ! the steering lock is on ! the key goes in and out of the ignition lock ok ! just wont turn to free steering lock or start engine ! it was fine last nite when she turned off engine ! tried mooving steering wheel etc !
It happens now & again usually wiggling the wheel while turning the key works or me, I now try not to leave it parked with the lock engaged.
cheers ! the steering lock wasnt on at first ! i wiggled the wheel and it locked ! it doesnt feel like anything as broken or fell apart inside !
I've had this on my TD5. I expect that this will be very similar to what happened to me, so here is how I fixed it.

Here's how I overcame / fixed it!

The get you going bodge: Take off the column cowlings. Remove the barrell from the column by undoing the two shear bolts. Mine yielded to my mini molegrips, and a lot of small turns. This will remove the steering lock. Then take the switch off the end of the ignition barrel. As long as you keep the transponder key close to the coil that sits around the end of the end of the barrel where the key goes, you can now operate the starter switch with a screwdriver. Car will run and drive this way.

The 'Fix': I took my locked barrel, held it key end down, and gave it a number of sharp taps around the outside of the barrel. Something brass coloured (the broken bit of the mechanism?) fell out, along with some quite sticky balled up bits of graphite lubricant. Lock barrel now feels better than ever, completely smooth, no catching or sticking at all.

Used a hacksaw to cut slots in the shear bolts so I could do them up with a screwdriver, then re-assemble.

Two days later, and lots of starts, and test operations of the key in the barrel, and everything still works.

Just put the cowlings back on. So it is either done for good or will not play tomorrow morning!

Hope that helps

Take the plastic couling off and tap the ign barrel with a hammer whilst turning the key at the same time nine times out of ten it will free off and also apply some WD40 into the key hole!

If this does not work you will need to remove the shear bolts and remove the barrel.
Mine has the same issue.

I usually have to fiddle with it for a few minutes to get it to turn.

Damn thing nearly stranded me on a ferry once.
thanks for the replies and the tips ! got lock off and a screwdriver starting it ! new lock and keys orderd ! £35 not as bad as i thought ! once again thanks for all the advice !

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