Yeah I think it’s fender @dieseldog69 lol

I bought a wheel for it too! I’ll get another boss kit for mine as think I threw my Mouldy original wheel and bought a smaller one
A frame cross member in and a bit bit of chassis!
Back to the d1. Thin is a nice malleable change after fender chassis bashing. Happy with this. Looks a bit mad max but that’s another bit done and work commencing on d1 again.

Good to see you back on the D1, was beginning to think you might scrap it in favour of saving resources and devoting time to projects up the farm.
Thin stuff is so easy compared to the 3mm stuff now. Cutting disc usage has been mental on fender then one disc gets me loads of cuts on the thin stuff!

Cheers all. I keep looking at the start of my boot floor and hating what I’ve done so will prob cut it out and go again. I welded strengtheners on underneath. Not enough clamp/weight when welding meant the strengtheners aren’t sat flush on it. I did seal them but don’t like looking at it. It’s annoying as the arch tie in is spot on! I’ll see what I can do to tidy it up if possible before I rip out. The strengtheners are now going to go on the top side of boot floor. Less rust opportunities underneath then and easier spot welding of the assembled boot patches.
I need to try and save at least a section of the os rear arch. I can’t really justify buying a new tub for it as project cash it tighter than ever.
I’m hoping to also get the 200 prop and flange on soon, bleed brakes using bleeder mhm kindly leant then turn it around and start on front end!
That brings back memories
Hahaha. Any more pics of yours Kev? I tel you what makes us so daft. Even with all the rust and sight of tarmac through the disco, I still see the red paint on the inner wing and think it could look so amazing all finished and painted back tonoringinal colour o_O
That valve on the zorst is the EGR valve, been blanked off at the valve by the looks of it but left connected as I assume your motor is EDC (electronic diesel control) with a sensor on injector number 4.
It better ****ing not be edc. It’s being covered in petrol if so! I meant the 12v relay thing. It’s something to do with vaccuum pump. It’s like a distributor. I thought edc had a different throttle body or fly by or something?
Now I’m confused. It does have an ecu in passenger footwell which I noticed earlier but didn’t think much of it. So have I managed to get not only a full of holes and rotten d1 but a manual with edc?!!
It has number 5 which is the vacuum sensor I was talking about. Although it’s only half plugged in. I’m not having edc. I’ll convert the ****er lol
I have a few more but I'm definitely no photographer. Wish I took more really, here's one of box section sill083.JPG 144.JPG

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