Well 100 days has ended on a high! I've just been pulled by the police for having my led spot lights on in a town lol
Well 100 days has ended on a high! I've just been pulled by the police for having my led spot lights on in a town lol

Unlucky, towns are few and far between in North Wales, pity the same cant be said for the police:)
I'd just put main beam on as the police x5 rounded the corner, I blinded them for a split second and they didn't like it lol you should have seen his face when I went on eBay and bought 4 more lights while I was talking to them
That'll always cheer them up :cool: :D haha

So you going for 8 lights on yours? Remove all darkness from your town haha
just broke down again :) no light so ripped some wire out and fed to the headlight fuses managed 1 mile then it cut out, waited 15mins then drove home slowly

this was full of muddy water!

Untitled by Ste_Nova, on Flickr

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