Cables are run to coil packs on two, three core wires using the same plugs, system was working well untill overheat.
Also found a tiny water leak from an o ring where the heater pipe attaches to the front/top of engine. On long run using motorways could be a water loss.causing overheat after 50+ miles.
Hi All well it's been a long time since last post. Busy with important household jobs.
Back to the none starting issue, since finding the coil wires shorted out, I have now fitted a 2nd hand ECU vehicle fired up but still multiple misfires clyln's 4 and 7. So after checking the coil pack, now fitted behind the battery, one serving 4 and 7 was blown. Fitted two new coil packs. Car now running sweetly ☺️. MOT retest this afternoon, failed the first one is an indicator bulb that was working when I checked. And the emissions, Multiple misfires???????. Fingers crossed, not bad for a twenty one year old, will let you know if she passed.

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