Another day another cut finger :eek:

Started the day getting it off the engine stand and putting the flywheel housing and new rear oil seal on

Put the flywheel and clutch on using a 15mm socket to line it up

And then in it goes :D

I think that's the quickest I've got an engine back in

Check the timing a few times then put all the gubbins back in and fill the fluids up and then the scary bit....
Leave the stop solenoid wire off and crank it over til the oil light goes out and then top up to the max on the dip stick, then it's time for starting. Solenoid wire back on and crank it for about 10 seconds and it comes to life :D

The timing belt is smack in the middle of the pulleys so casing back on and it's all chips and gravy.

It's starting straight away and absolutely no smoke, it seems a lot quieter than previously so it's time for a road test tomorrow.

Thanks to all who've given advice and encouragement, I'm not sure we're all made up yet but I think it's safe from eBay for now :oops:

Floors and bumper can go on tomorrow :D
Another day another cut finger :eek:

Started the day getting it off the engine stand and putting the flywheel housing and new rear oil seal on

Put the flywheel and clutch on using a 15mm socket to line it up

And then in it goes :D

I think that's the quickest I've got an engine back in

Check the timing a few times then put all the gubbins back in and fill the fluids up and then the scary bit....
Leave the stop solenoid wire off and crank it over til the oil light goes out and then top up to the max on the dip stick, then it's time for starting. Solenoid wire back on and crank it for about 10 seconds and it comes to life :D

The timing belt is smack in the middle of the pulleys so casing back on and it's all chips and gravy.

It's starting straight away and absolutely no smoke, it seems a lot quieter than previously so it's time for a road test tomorrow.

Thanks to all who've given advice and encouragement, I'm not sure we're all made up yet but I think it's safe from eBay for now :oops:

Floors and bumper can go on tomorrow :D

Absolutely heroic effort, well done mate, hats off etc.

Cheers gents and Ed thanks again for your offer of coming to give me a hand

No worries man, glad you were able to just crack on though even though it is hard on your own. I well struggled getting the engine back lined up on my own.
Wow fair play to you rob I am impressed you've done wonders there mate can't wait to meet up and get it out again on some lanes.
That's fantastic. Looks like it's a success then. Lots of nice new components that hopefully won't need changing for a while too.
Ish, unfortunately I've been using my wifes car which is quiet and more comfortable but we have just been charged £192 to have the glow plugs changed:(
I know, it never ends. I took of the disc backing plates off the wifes car for the mot over here because on was rotton. Been told they need to be on. 80 euro from main dealer only. 02 nissan. the car will soon be worth 90euro when its fitted cause its got a tenners worth of petrol in it.:(
Sterling effort you have stripped and rebuilt your engine and refitted it and all i have achieved in that time is have got my anderson connector fitted my battery isolator fitted and one of the three seats back in.

So you certainly achieved a lot, i am one step forward two back at the minute.

So well done for persevering and getting it sorted, hope it drives sweet

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