
New Member
Last July I bought a 1969 Series 2A SWB truck-cab with a view to restoring it to some of its former glory. The plan is try and re-use as much as possible - I'm not made of money so won't be throwing tonnes of new parts at it. Consumables will obviously be replaced, as will things like bearings, seals, and the majority of nuts and bolts.

Without further ado, here are some pics - his name is "Pod" :)



The Landy failed its last MOT, primarily on the rotten bulkhead. Apart from that, it's pretty solid - lots of degreasing, wire-brushing and repainting will be the order of the day.




Even the doors are pretty solid.
Don't know if you're going to reuse them, but if not, please can I have the plastic windscreen vent's. I've only got one of them at the moment, and it's pretty sorry for itself.

Anyway, without an MOT there didn't seem any point in wasting time so I waited until my wife was out with the kids, and started taking it to bits.



I wondered what this plate riveted across the back of the tub was for:

I wonder if a crane was fitted earlier in the Landy's life? It spent the first 18 years of its life working as a utility vehicle for a garage in Barnstaple.



I was pleasantly surprised at how easily everything came apart. Up to this point, I'd not had to grind a single nut or bolt off - everything had just undone with sockets and spanners.


Don't know if you're going to reuse them, but if not, please can I have the plastic windscreen vent's. I've only got one of them at the moment, and it's pretty sorry for itself.

Hi Mark,
I'm afraid it's things like those that I will be re-using. There's just no reason to replace them. :)
The bulkhead isn't too bad - I've seen pictures of a lot worse! Mine needs new footwells on both sides, and new "feet" and lower door pillars. I was advised to do as much of the repair as possible while the bulkhead was still on the chassis - it can be a bugger getting things to line up if they are repaired off the chassis.

A bloke on eBay makes Series 2 footwells, door pillars and bulkhead feet. They're not the same as a Series 3, which is what most of the usual places supply, so I was very glad to see that his are very close to original.

Driver's side - before:

And after:

The footwell itself has just been tacked into position - I will weld it in properly once I get the bulkhead into my garage.

On the passenger side - I repaired the pillar and foot in situ, but I gave up trying to MIG on my driveway at this point as the gas was just being blown away. It's so much easier welding in the garage!

So now the bulkhead could come off:
Nearly there now - axles off, and the chassis is almost completely stripped:

The chassis is nice and solid, and far too good to throw away. It was one of the reasons I went for this particular Landy - I can't afford to put a galvanised chassis under it, so I wanted one where I could use what it came with. It's had a couple of outriggers replaced and a new crossmember. I've been all over it with hammer and big screwdriver, and there's very little welding to do.

The plan is to blast it inside and out with the jetwash - then when it's dry, treat the inside with Dinitrol's rust converter and chassis wax. The outside will get wire-brushed and then painted with Corroless rust-stabilising primer. This stuff isn't cheap - but you do get what you pay for. Not all "red oxide" paints are the same! Over the top it'll get a coat or two of Frosts chassis black.
Bloody good work there, fella - and she looks like a real beauty :D

Wish I had as much room as you ... Although I do somehow manage to struggle along with my "workshop" and get stuff finished - it's just a bit.....snug :rolleyes:
Haha - you should see my garage! It's stuffed with a dismantled Landy. I did most of the deconstruction out on the driveway, and then moved each big "lump" either into or behind my garage.

I've started renovating a few parts, but Christmas came along and progress halted. I've been doing lots of little jobs on my Ninety too, but hopefully I can get back onto the Series soon...
Nice motor, keep the pictures coming, if the chassis is solid have you thought about getting it galvanised, any idea what it would cost might save a lot of work and add value
It might seem like a funny thing to start with, bit I was anxious to try out my "technique" on something relatively simple - so I chose the prop-shafts.



The wonders of angle-grinders + wire brush!

All the running gear will get the same sort of treatment. That is, wire-brushing:

A coat of rust-stabilising primer:

And a coat of Frosts chassis black:

I put new Hardy Spicer universal joints all round, and hey presto!

While I had all the paints out, I cleaned up the steering arms. Before:

And after, with lovely new Lemforder ball-joints:

Next to tackle will be the back axle... Don't hold your breath though!
Nice - can i send you mine? I'm **** with paint, LOL !

**reminds me, I gotta get me soem new UJ's**
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even though im only at the praying stage im finding this and other series threads a great inspiration so

so cheers rhino--squiddy and b20wnx

i hope to be joining yer little race verry soon (fingers crossed)
bluddy hell your quicker than rhino, think we gonna have to have a sweepstake on you two lol...... and did i read right that you didnt have to grind any bolts off...... lucky barsteward, every other one on mine..... and its nowhere near as stripped as yours...
keep up the good work and keep us upto date with piccies
hey squiddy - nice paint job... quick question for you - which underseal is it, cost, where from also the chassis black stuff, i been taking all my bits apart and sanding and cleaning etc, but not gone as far as you yet but just been using normal galv underseal and then was going to use normal spray paint except for engine where i was going to use proper stuff..... any pointers in the right direction appreciated.....

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