

Just out of interest I have a whine / squeak when the engine is running. It started off as a squeak around 2000rpm, but now is more of a whine in time with engine speed, wondering what I should be looking for.
Had a listen but can't seem to pinpint it.

Had new water pump, p-gasket and belt 5 months ago.
1997 300tdi

try an old noise locating method......
cut a piece of hosepipe or simular to about half a meter long,
place one end to your "good" ear, and use the other to source the noise...

it works for me, better than a set of engineers stethascope i purchased..
Fan belt is new, but if the alt bearings are wearing and maybe the new belt is tighter making it more noticeable. I'll try the hose pipe trick and direct my attention to alt and tensioner first

Thanks people, sometime you get a blinkered look when looking for a problem, and a fresh person sets you straight :)

cheers again
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