Brian Waterman
2.25 petrol engine of a 1982 series 3. Before Christmas we (my son and I) completed new pistons/rings, little ends, big ends, new valves/with new springs. Tightened head again after couple of hundred miles - going beautifully - best it has ever sounded. Engine spluttered and jerked then stopped and would not start AA man came after a while and it started, ran fine, AA followed to home. All fine, next day started and ran but running eratically again and stopped. Sounded like fuel to us but loads of fuel getting there, cleaned blew out all jets no difference, spark is not as big and bright as I would like but it was running well - Maybe ignition - renewed coil - No go. Fitted new electronic distributer still spluttering and flameback through carb. Fitted new carb (Webber 34 ICH from memory) No go. Still splutter and back fire through carb. The new items were planned but brought forward. Someone said timing but why would it be running beautifully then do all this spluttering. Oh, plugs are sooty of course but were also new just before new pistons. Really stumped. Help !