
New Member
I recently bought a Series 3, however the speedometer never worked, i thought it might be the actual head unit but it wasn't that, i checked the cable from behind the dashboard and it doesnt spin while i'm driving. I have replaced the cable and have unbolted it several times fro the speedometer drive. Anybody think of anything??:confused:
I had that problem when i bought my series 3 recently, although that was because the speedo cable wasnt actually there. I just bought a new one and fitted it and it worked fine, so assuming the new one you bought isnt fautly, i expect its something to do with the unit inside the dashboard. can't help to try and take it apart and give it a clean even if you can't see whats wrong with it. But dont blame me if it falls apart :D
My Series III Speedo also doesn't work.... It was a few years back when I bought the vehicle. It was working, then it just stopped. Haven't really looked at it ( in 2 years ).. So can't really offer anything useful here, but I would be interested in how you get yours working as it might give me some ideas....

Cheers - Marcus
Hello,Had the same problem on 88' series three. The speedo drive in the gearbox was / is made of plastic and rounded out so would not drive the cable. To fix it i squashed the end of the cable inner with a pair of pliers and made sure it engaged with the plastic drive. All mended!If you have checked the cable and it okay then it must be a problem with the drive from the gearbox - so have a look down there.Good luck
I'll go along with what Buckle says. I've got a similar problem myself at the mo.

Definitely sounds like its the fault of the drive in the gearbox to me. I wonder how you get the little plastic socket out to replace it. I've also got the added problem of an overdrive being in the way!

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