
New Member
hi folks im new to this i have a p38 diesel an d have had it about 18 months now and had it motd at start of june with 127k reading on speedo and dont do a lot of miles and the speedo is now reading approx 203k? can you change the reading from km to miles by using the controls or has something more sinister occured.:) thanks Les
Try pushing the button in and holding it in for a few secs . I have a Disco 2 this changes the readout from miles to kms ,might be the same for your RR.
It can be changed in the BECM using Testbook or Faultmate etc. Not sure it will go back down to the lower figure though?
get a mate to pace him
use two points that he knows is a mile
use a sat nav
moterway mile markers
loads of ways:)
gentlemen,didnt you see the o/per is a virgin,dont confuse the lad.datatec probably has the right idea.happy to have you on board pufferreid:welcome2:

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