So I have now purchased a '54 reg L322 having failed to find a decent auto D2 or 3 at a sufficiently low price. I did take in the advice here to look for a P38, but again the only locally advertised one was manual.

The L322's faults seem to be mainly cosmetic and non-urgent, but today in the morning gloom I turned the sidelights on, expecting something to illuminate the speedometer and rev counter so that I might avoid a ticket on my first real trip out, but nothing lit up. I assume the dimmer is the horizontal knob that does nothing on the small panel with the foglight switch.
Am I missing anything? Is it broken or is there some feature like it has to be dark before the panel lights up?

With my old, mainly unlamented, Jeep I was able to download the original build spec of the actual vehicle from some website somewhere. Can this be done for the RR so that I know what should be installed?

I'm still finding my way round the various knobs and buttons. I assume the TV looks for the transmitters that were switched off a few years ago. I suppose this can't easily be made to display a camera pointed at the towbar?
Look up Rave on this site and download it. The dimmer switch is vertical. As for "what should be installed", even within each spec owners could have added and very rarely removed toys, so you may have some things that others in your spec have, you may have things not in your spec and you may not have. Personally , I've never with any veh, had to download a build spec to find out what gadgets it had, I've always, researched the basics for spec,then asked the seller and just enjoyed finding out by pressing buttons and twiddling knobs.

Also.......... if you only needed sidelights, you didn't need the lights to see your speed ;)
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Look up Rave on this site and download it. The dimmer switch is vertical. As for "what should be installed", even within each spec owners could have added and very rarely removed toys, so you may have some things that others in your spec have, you may have things not in your spec and you may not have. Personally , I've never with any veh, had to download a build spec to find out what gadgets it had, I've always, researched the basics for spec,then asked the seller and just enjoyed finding out by pressing buttons and twiddling knobs.

Also.......... if you only needed sidelights, you didn't need the lights to see your speed ;)
You told me you had given up twiddling knobs.:D
Look up Rave on this site and download it. The dimmer switch is vertical. As for "what should be installed", even within each spec owners could have added and very rarely removed toys, so you may have some things that others in your spec have, you may have things not in your spec and you may not have. Personally , I've never with any veh, had to download a build spec to find out what gadgets it had, I've always, researched the basics for spec,then asked the seller and just enjoyed finding out by pressing buttons and twiddling knobs.

Also.......... if you only needed sidelights, you didn't need the lights to see your speed ;)

Yes, OK so the knob is vertical. I found that I had downloaded RAVE, but it was filed under Disco from when I was chasing them, so that's sorted that.
I'll have to go out when it's dark and check, as I see a reference to a light sensitive diode somewhere in the instrument panel area.

Does an L322 need me to know anything specific like an EKA code before something breaks?
OK, been out in the dark, and it all seems to be OK, but with the little knob turning it from dim to off.

It is so dim as to be useless in heavy cloudy daylight, which is a bit disappointing, and I still don't know if the mythical photo diode should control this.

I suppose I'll get used to knowing where 30 is on the dial.
OK, been out in the dark, and it all seems to be OK, but with the little knob turning it from dim to off.

It is so dim as to be useless in heavy cloudy daylight, which is a bit disappointing, and I still don't know if the mythical photo diode should control this.

I suppose I'll get used to knowing where 30 is on the dial.

Is there a possible fault with the glass/perspex in front of your dials? Not sure what it might be, just throwing out ideas, as you should have no issues being able to see your speedo , on a 'heavy cloudy daylight' situation. Might be worth checking, if it's so bad you can't see the speedo in daylight with lights on. Ask someone like @Saint.V8 about diodes or other techie things.
Is there a possible fault with the glass/perspex in front of your dials? Not sure what it might be, just throwing out ideas, as you should have no issues being able to see your speedo , on a 'heavy cloudy daylight' situation. Might be worth checking, if it's so bad you can't see the speedo in daylight with lights on. Ask someone like @Saint.V8 about diodes or other techie things.
The perspex looks fine, so I've set it up to "Ping" at 29mph while I either save up or build up the courage to start poking at the dash or elsewhere myself.
Meanwhile, I've downloaded the build spec, so with that and RAVE I am confident I'll eventually find out how and what is supposed to work in this worthy vehicle.
The perspex looks fine, so I've set it up to "Ping" at 29mph while I either save up or build up the courage to start poking at the dash or elsewhere myself.
Meanwhile, I've downloaded the build spec, so with that and RAVE I am confident I'll eventually find out how and what is supposed to work in this worthy vehicle.
Back on subject:There's definitely a fault with your display if you can't see the speedo etc, and need a ping to tell you what speed you're at. I drove to Ayr yesterday, and thought about this thread at one point, as I drove through sheet rain. Even in that I could see the display without lights, only put lights on because of inclement weather, not to read display.
Are your numbers bright white and in your face green , as they are supposed to be? Apart from anything else ,if you have set it to ping at 29 ,what do you do on other roads with different speed limits? Stop and reset? ;):D
If his face is green then he needs to check his suspension :D Why go back on the subject GR, we were just starting to enjoy ourselves :D:DX​
I'd have thought if his face is green, it's exhaust leaks he needs to check, his and his veh's :D
There , you happy now we've veered off again. You really do need Andy back, you've been allowed to run amok :eek::eek:
I'd have thought if his face is green, it's exhaust leaks he needs to check, his and his veh's :D
There , you happy now we've veered off again. You really do need Andy back, you've been allowed to run amok :eek::eek:
Well he kept me on my toes, the heels on the shoes he lent me were far to high.;):D:D
Back on subject:There's definitely a fault with your display if you can't see the speedo etc, and need a ping to tell you what speed you're at. I drove to Ayr yesterday, and thought about this thread at one point, as I drove through sheet rain. Even in that I could see the display without lights, only put lights on because of inclement weather, not to read display.
Are your numbers bright white and in your face green , as they are supposed to be? Apart from anything else ,if you have set it to ping at 29 ,what do you do on other roads with different speed limits? Stop and reset? ;):D

**For some reason sending this didn't work, so trying again now its gone dark**

I've just been out this sunny afternoon, and I can't see any difference with the lights on or off except that the lower green bar goes from dim green o off with the lights on. With the lights on at night the green messages are never more than fairly dim. I can read the messages, but it's a strain. Similarly the white dial numbers do light up at night but never anywhere near bright.
I was hoping there might be some master control somewhere that turns everything up.

I've downloaded the service manual and electrical pdf's, but haven't had time to look at them yet, but it does look as though the photodiode might control the lighting of the dials.

I can see the speedometer needle and extrapolate from the 29mph ping for the 40 and 20mph limits around here, so I can happily continue to annoy other motorists.
**For some reason sending this didn't work, so trying again now its gone dark**

I've just been out this sunny afternoon, and I can't see any difference with the lights on or off except that the lower green bar goes from dim green o off with the lights on. With the lights on at night the green messages are never more than fairly dim. I can read the messages, but it's a strain. Similarly the white dial numbers do light up at night but never anywhere near bright.
I was hoping there might be some master control somewhere that turns everything up.

I've downloaded the service manual and electrical pdf's, but haven't had time to look at them yet, but it does look as though the photodiode might control the lighting of the dials.

I can see the speedometer needle and extrapolate from the 29mph ping for the 40 and 20mph limits around here, so I can happily continue to annoy other motorists.
That's the trouble,its always sunny here on the Wirral isn't it. Don't worry about annoying other motorists by sticking to the speed limits, it doesn't bother me. There is a 20 limit past my grandsons school and house. The worst offenders for speeding I find are women, probably racing to another school to pick up their children. Rant over, sorry I cannot help with your light problem

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