
New Member
Oh dear, in trouble - again. . .

got a lovely letter today from the cambs constabulary:
"Failing to comply with a 60mph speed limit on a restricted road."

75mph in a 60. . . .
If they have pictures, it of the rear of the bike
how should i proceed???

advice greatly welcome
Before I get introduced to the riot act (physically)
I plan to own up, but how should i proceed?

and what's the proceedure in this country?
as i'm not from the UK and have never been through the system here
& I also have a EU licence. . . .
i think you should proceed at a slighty slower pace......and if it the same as it was when i got nicked fer speeding you should have a form with yer letter that you fill in and send off with yer cheque
or play the waiting game...

just leave it and see if you get any warning letters. sometimes the 5-0 only issue the 1st knowing people will pay up. it costs the pigforce tons to issue 1 or 2 warning letters to each person. sometimes they just forget about it because its costing them more to produce and send these things than you actually eventually paying them.

ive never been caught by the 5-0 :D so i cant comment on any actual real events
Just saw the video footage:
all on video: indicate, pull out, accelerate, indicate, brake, pull back in again to speed limit

You should be STONED in pet ant was run over by a speeding driver. :(
Yo, little Nay - I thought yu realised by now - we're all strange in here (some stranger than others tho).

gibber gibber
Tell Them Your Mate From Pakistan Was Driving It .
Give Them Some Ones Address In Bombay.

Then Sit Back And Wait For The Knock On Ya Door.
When The Knock Comes, Dont Admit It Was You What Ever You Do.
Just Keep Telling Them Your Fictitious Mates Name And Address.

Works For Me All The Time.
But I Do Try And Make It Sound Real.
Good Luck
**** The Law
i am very ashamed of you all encouraging this poor fella to hide away and lie to the law. you are all very naughty and i will sort you out later. you ahould have told him to pack his bags and left the country or he will never hear the end of it! :eek:
Just as a pointer here, always ALWAYS go not guilty.

We went to court, me and a mate, he was on cam being chased by a volvo t5 at 128, me i was slower at 121. We both went to court pleading mitigating circumstances as to why we were speeding, but disputed the speed. They just threw it out without us even having to enter the court room, too much time to argue when they have hundreds more to prosecute.

Incidently, i got a letter from CPS telling me in this instance it was deemed necessary to be using such excessive speed.
We said we were on our way to help a mate who was a taxi driver being attacked.
Bloomin 'ell yer a devious bunch!! BUT if he denies it and drags it out and does get found guilty, havin a pic and all that, won't they throw the book and him and charge him more fer the pleasure?

Anyway, aren't them gatso things totally unreliable anyway? didn't one of them register an asthmatic, 3 legged, arthritic, bulimic poodle doing 40 in a 30 or summat along those lines?
have y'awl heard the one about the bored cop in the border region .. rumour has it that a speed cop was sat at the side of a quiet road in the lowlands of scotland. he'd been there fer ages and not caught owt, when an RAF jet came hurtling along the valley towards him.
to relieve the bordom he decided to see how fast the jet was going. he point his radar gun at the plane and it read whhhhyyy off the scale. so he goes back to being bored, but not before he spots the pilot doing some pretty scarey looking flying. the plane was changing direction and going up and down faster than any thing hes ever seen before. he thinks to himself '****'
mean while at an RAF base the air traffic dude is in a shear panic as one of his planes has reported that while practising his low level flying someone had 'painted' his plane. all the warning buzzers where going off as someone had acheived missile lock on him. the pilot reckons it took all his skill to avoid the 'missile'..
so the RAF contact the police and imform them that there is someone with a hand held surface to air missile on their patch. so mr plod goes off with light blaring and sirenes flashing. they also radio to the bored traffic cop to tell him to be on the lookout for any one acting strangely and/or carry any thing that remotely resembles a missile launcher.
the cop asks for more details and when he has heard them all he just say "oh! ****" and confesses to being the culprat.

this was susposed to be true but its probelly more of an urban myth

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