evening chaps just thought id pop mi head in and say hello :)

been looking at the map and theres a few other little lanes close-ish by on route not much to go at and they look fairly tame but we`ll see what eveyone thinks on the day, roll on saturday :bowl:
Sal says could be snowy on high ground Saturday. Don't expect too much. Buxton n Bakwewell seem to be the weathermans favourites. Could work our way back via Goyt Valley? Get the map out Pete lol
Sal says could be snowy on high ground Saturday. Don't expect too much. Buxton n Bakwewell seem to be the weathermans favourites. Could work our way back via Goyt Valley? Get the map out Pete lol

Yeh sounds like a plan dave, can go over the ugghill moor lane and drop onto some regulars in the peaks depending on time etc....
Merry Christmas David and all :) I'm a lucky boy this year ImageUploadedByTapatalk1419520362.922596.jpg
Enjoyed being out with you lot been too long and what a fab day, thanks to pete/dave for leading hope to do it again soon.
was a fantastic day guys, didnt start well with a wheel coming off on the m1 but all sorted and a great day
How steady? Got a friend with a shiny D3 that that I've promised to take out. Make it a non scratchy day, with a pub meal mid way and your on ��
Have to be Thursday. Going to The Albert on Wednesday. It will just be me, no Sal as she's being massaged by another fella lol. She's going to the vet - oops, I mean Chiropractor. I'll check on the D3 and see if she's free. Texting now....
Do you want to move onto the other south yorks page now? May have snow by Thursday according to the Met Office forecast