How many decent tracks/routes is there in South Yorkshire? I'm from Sheffield myself so very interested?
One or two nothing to get people traveling miles however watch this thread we meet once a month n tend to do a few local lanes in winter
Nice. Where abouts you go, Peaks? Can't think of where there would be many tracks but you guys will know all the best lanes :)
Nice. Where abouts you go, Peaks? Can't think of where there would be many tracks but you guys will know all the best lanes :)

There are lots of lanes to do in the peaks, but people wont share locations of said lanes/routes till they get to know you and trust you. Its nothing personal its just how it is, like onestop said watch this thread/space and come meet us all. The best way to find lanes/routes is tag along on an outing one day or get some os maps and have a look yourself but please reseach and check you a legally allowed to drive them first.
last of all welcome and enjoy ;)
There are lots of lanes to do in the peaks, but people wont share locations of said lanes/routes till they get to know you and trust you. Its nothing personal its just how it is, like onestop said watch this thread/space and come meet us all. The best way to find lanes/routes is tag along on an outing one day or get some os maps and have a look yourself but please reseach and check you a legally allowed to drive them first.
last of all welcome and enjoy ;)

Thanks pocket. I realised that after I posted, people aren't going to share the best routes just to anybody! Same in the mountain bike world, locals keep the best local routes to themselves so they don't get ruined by idiots.
I'll definitely come along on an outing one day once I sort myself out with a Landrover and check the os map I have of the peaks.
Leys Lane, the BOAT in Little Longstone, will be subject to a permanent TRO on 12th February 2015. You have only 6 days from today to drive it. If you have Memory Map, it's the one shown as a UCR at Dale Farm. Enjoy it while you can....
Sorry it's so late notice wise this months meeting will be at workshop 5 till 9 ramp available as usual cheers mark/stacey
Leys Lane, the BOAT in Little Longstone, will be subject to a permanent TRO on 12th February 2015. You have only 6 days from today to drive it. If you have Memory Map, it's the one shown as a UCR at Dale Farm. Enjoy it while you can....

The annoying thing is that the Chertpit Lane section will remain open! Meaning that you can drive/ride the route from the B6465 to the, so called, picnic site (where the old gateway is and the lane narrows) but then you have to turn round and go back:mad:
As it's less than a mile from my door I shall do exactly that, if for no other reason than to p**s off the onanists from Rocking The Boat. A group, mainly of retired incomers, with nothing better to do than interfere with other peoples fun to give themselves a sense of self importance:mad::mad: Not that I'm bitter or owt:D
Hmm I'll see if my mrs will let me off my leash tonighr after work.. If so maybe one of you boffins can sit in my 90 and listen to this god damned rumble that i can't figure out...
I'll be there, but might be late, don't finish work till 6 ..

and the 300 engine is in!

Not running yet, but it's in .. ;)
Game over for me peeps. I know you'll end up reading this when your home. Got in, battery flat on my 90, sold my disco the other day so can't drag it off the drive and bucket seats prevents me from getting to the battery...

So it looks like next time for me lady and gents. Hope you had a good evening
Wired in my tracker and cb, sorted the radio wiring out being as I had planned to get something done today..

When I change my bulkhead this year I plan on adding something that I can either drop a trickle charge onto or a point where I can jump it from.. I use a split charge relay for my second battery where if I used a simple heavy duty switch It would flow both ways I guess
Last min again sorry boys n girls workshop meeting this Monday 5.30 onwards be nice to see all our regulars !! New faces would be great as its tradition for newbies to bring cake for all !! Cheers mark n stacey
Hey guys and girls when you lot next meeting?
I'd like to come along as a passenger with someone if I could please. I know it's a strange request but I still haven't got a landy yet so it would be nice to just tag along on a day out :D

Send me a pm if any of you have room for a passenger on your next laning trip!
M1dge, you'd be welcome to come along, but you'll most likely have to check the forum and see when we're next going out. We have a few requests for others to join and we have no problem with that, but keeping track of everyone is a bit awkward .. Just keep an eye out and ask when you see the next trip being arranged. ;)