Hi gang :)

Just checking in :)

Bumped into Dave at Parkwood and he said to stop in here to see what's up :D

Hello Dave, Paul, Tim, Mark :)
No details as yet. I'll let you know when Pete finalises things. If you can get on South Yorks Laners on Facebook, you'll see current details as they're decided.
Hey up mark

Diddling well now my vehicle is back in action pal, has been a long old year without her!

Hoping to see you boys out over Xmas!
I can say that it will be good to see you again Sam.
Think it will be a good turn out for Pete's trip.
Safe to say that there will be some new faces to the group.
Just doing the odd little bit to my landy trying to get it sorted for the day out.
Be nice if we had some of the white stuff for the day?
If i do not see any of you before have a good Christmas.
Aye it's highly secretive

Made me blush when I saw what they were getting up to behind closed doors though!