So... When is our next outing going to be? Thinking a Salisbury Plain trip once the restrictions have been lifted??
Woo a spare 5 mins to look online! Been flat out as expanding business at the mo so I'm non stop! I'm gunna head out matchams on either the 16th or 23rd should be a laugh if any1 wants to join let me know what day your free and I'll go then. See how close I come to rolling this time :eek: :rolly:
I can probably make one of those dates for a Matchams P&P but won't know until nearer the time. I can see how many times I can get stuck and need a tow out
Happy with one or the other of those dates... Need to purchase my self a new towing strop before then though.
I've still got to get me brakes bled but will be out sometime soon. The weather forecast is quite favourable for the next week or so and the ground really seems to be drying out a bit up here in norf Dorset so maybe some laning will be on the cards in the next coupla weeks....

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