My landy is still broken! Waiting for the time to fix it up. Will let you all know when I'm back up and running
cool cool...

Sorry for Jinxing you matey! if its a beach party just go in the sea and itll be much much wetter than the rain!! :banana:

If any of you Poole/Wimborne/Bornemouth lot wanna meet up for a drink tomorro night then im keen... been down here 2 weeks and havn't experienced any of the local drinking holes yet!
I know it's very last minute...

If anyone is at a loose end and up for a Salisbury plain trip tomorro...

I'm heading out with another D2 meeting at Solstice services on the A303 at 10:30 tomorro morning.
I know it's very last minute...

If anyone is at a loose end and up for a Salisbury plain trip tomorro...

I'm heading out with another D2 meeting at Solstice services on the A303 at 10:30 tomorro morning.
I know it's very last minute...

If anyone is at a loose end and up for a Salisbury plain trip tomorro...

I'm heading out with another D2 meeting at Solstice services on the A303 at 10:30 tomorro morning.

Be aware the plains are seriously wet. just spoke to a chap that lives in salisbury and the road is flooded at Tilshead. due to the recent rain.
They wernt actually too bad the plains... Bit of sogginess but most of the tracks were quite dry... Drier than previous occasions

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