Good luck with the replacement, I'm due to do the same as you and replace the turbo same symptoms as you, loads smoke in the morning and I also have a loud "whistle" when the turbo kicks in.
As said the intercooler should be fine just clean it.

Good luck.

Thanks, I have a feeling I will need it !!! Good luck to you too.

No whistle with mine at all though ??????????
Erm ... don't know ? Thought it might just be easier ;-)
How do I know if the oil is coming out of the intercooler (I know it should only contain gases really, but if oil has been coming through the goosed turbo then presumably it could get into the intercooler ?) through a leak, or is just splashing up against it from the hose when driving ?
Crikey, think I need to go on a mechanics course next .... humans are much easier to treat/mend than cars !

the turbo is fed oil from your engine as it spins around super fast and needs lubrication.

when the turbo is knackered and the seals go, it blows a lot of this hot oil mist down the rubber pipe into the intercooler up the other pipe and into the intake manifold.

when it goes into the intercooler, it gets cooled and forms back into liquid oil and collects at the lowest point, the bottom pipe joint.

so if you take it off and find it is full of oil, then you know it's your turbo oil seals.

you clean it by removing the intercooler (few bolts) and sticking in parrafin or petrol closing the pipe holes and jumping up and down. your husband may watch or post a youtube video of this if you desire.

wait a few hours, pour it out, stick a hosepipe on it for a while, pour it out and leave it to dry. basically give it a good clean, it's just a metal container :)
the turbo is fed oil from your engine as it spins around super fast and needs lubrication.

when the turbo is knackered and the seals go, it blows a lot of this hot oil mist down the rubber pipe into the intercooler up the other pipe and into the intake manifold.

when it goes into the intercooler, it gets cooled and forms back into liquid oil and collects at the lowest point, the bottom pipe joint.

so if you take it off and find it is full of oil, then you know it's your turbo oil seals.

you clean it by removing the intercooler (few bolts) and sticking in parrafin or petrol closing the pipe holes and jumping up and down. your husband may watch or post a youtube video of this if you desire.

wait a few hours, pour it out, stick a hosepipe on it for a while, pour it out and leave it to dry. basically give it a good clean, it's just a metal container :)

LOL !!! I don't think I'll be posting a video, very sorry to disappoint you all ;-)

When I clean out the intercooler, where can the waste oil/fuel/parrafin go when finished ? I'm guessing it can't just go down the drain, but does it have to be 'recycled' or anything bizarre like that ?

Thank you so much for actually explaining it all in a way that I can understand. Talk to me about the heart, the lungs and even cranial nerves and I'm fine, but make it an inanimate object and I'm only just learning !

At least I can proudly say I've never filled a vehicle up with the wrong fuel ;-) and yes, I have filled them up !
LOL !!! I don't think I'll be posting a video, very sorry to disappoint you all ;-)

When I clean out the intercooler, where can the waste oil/fuel/parrafin go when finished ? I'm guessing it can't just go down the drain, but does it have to be 'recycled' or anything bizarre like that ?

Thank you so much for actually explaining it all in a way that I can understand. Talk to me about the heart, the lungs and even cranial nerves and I'm fine, but make it an inanimate object and I'm only just learning !

At least I can proudly say I've never filled a vehicle up with the wrong fuel ;-) and yes, I have filled them up !

You put it into a large bucket in your shed (huge drum is best) with any other fluids you need disposing of. After a year or so this becomes full and you simply push it back until no longer visible and replace with a new bucket infront of the old.

Do this for several years until you need a new shed or sell the house.

If you have a medical background, be very careful as there are a lot of wierd old men on here who will ask you to look at pictures of their stool rather than go to the docs :crazy:

You can usually spot them if you are careful!
Thanks for all your help yesterday chaps. We now have a new turbo !

My beautiful landy is now no longer a 40-a-day smoker, she is now a 2-a-day ! We didn't manage to change the intercooler as the one I was told would fit (yes I know I should have double-checked etc) won't ! Mine is integrated with the radiator by the looks of it, not a separate unit.

Ah well, we live & learn ! You lot however, are superstars .... oh and my hubby who insisted on doing it instead of me ;-)
Thanks for all your help yesterday chaps. We now have a new turbo !

My beautiful landy is now no longer a 40-a-day smoker, she is now a 2-a-day ! We didn't manage to change the intercooler as the one I was told would fit (yes I know I should have double-checked etc) won't ! Mine is integrated with the radiator by the looks of it, not a separate unit.

Ah well, we live & learn ! You lot however, are superstars .... oh and my hubby who insisted on doing it instead of me ;-)

fyi, you take the 4 bolts from the top of your radiator case and the top plate comes off.

you'll then see that you have a separate radiator and intercooler in there. you just pull the intercooler up and out :)
I'm Just in the middle of changing the Turbo just now (Waiting for cylinder head to come back from the engineers)
I Found the parts catalogue as well as the manuals very handy to visualise the components of the engine bay These can be downloaded for free on the internet at pdf Land Rover Manuals |
Not as colourful as a Ross and Wilson but packed with info.
fyi, you take the 4 bolts from the top of your radiator case and the top plate comes off.

you'll then see that you have a separate radiator and intercooler in there. you just pull the intercooler up and out :)

This ^^^
Think we've now managed to establish that the intercooler we have is a double-width one (looks like must be an upgrade of some sort as that's all I can find on t'interweb to swap with !). Not liking the look of the £400+ fee price for a new one ? Any words of wisdom ?? p.s. the fins on our current one are rather bashed somehow so presumably thats why its leaking oil out (oil which must have gone in via the dodgy turbo we've established already !).
You lot are stars xxx

p.s. I prefer Tortora & Grabowski to Ross & Wilson ! ;-)
Think we've now managed to establish that the intercooler we have is a double-width one (looks like must be an upgrade of some sort as that's all I can find on t'interweb to swap with !). Not liking the look of the £400+ fee price for a new one ? Any words of wisdom ?? p.s. the fins on our current one are rather bashed somehow so presumably thats why its leaking oil out (oil which must have gone in via the dodgy turbo we've established already !).
You lot are stars xxx

p.s. I prefer Tortora & Grabowski to Ross & Wilson ! ;-)

fins don't carry oil :)

take a picture and upload it, it'll be easier to see what's been modified.

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