Hi, really sorry to be so thick and stupid, but I'm very new to this ! I've recently purchased my pride and joy, a 1997 300tdi 110 Defender. Unfortunately, it has started smoking in the mornings. It doesn't smoke when initially starting the engine, just when under power for about 1 mile then the smoke stops ! I've not really noticed a loss of power etc, but then I can't say I've been 'ragging it' etc.
I've been told that it may well be the turbo, so have been on the hunt for a replacement one today, which leads me to my next question .....

New, remanufactured or 2nd hand ? If I'm getting a turbo which is best or best value for money ? I've been told that a turbo doesn't normally 'go' unless there is a reason ie. oil not been changed/no oil/been underwater. Mine hasn't had any of these issues in the 4 months I've owned it, but who knows before ! How do you know if the 2nd hand one is ok ? A remanufactured seems to be around £250 (incl sending mine back), does this sound right or does anyone have any contacts ?!

Next question ...... I'm obv going to get the exhaust and manifold gaskets changed as well, but do I need to look at the intercooler etc too (foreign language to me really !).

Please explain everything in very simple terms, as if you were talking to your 5 year old ! I am very willing and partially able !
It's a bluey/white colour, lingers in the air .... well, put it this way, when I put my foot down going up the hill, the bottom of the hill disappears ! I'm almost certain its an oil smoke, although having said that the level doesn't seem to have dropped particularly, and we do have a drip very front nearside.
weeeeeell, you aren't thick or stupid.. you came here! :D

before you start buying random parts, do a few more tests.

is it just smoking under load going up hills when cold? does it do it when warmed up? or any other times?

are you sure it's blue and not grey?

and who told you?
If it's grey / black and under load it could be a lose of turbo boost pressure ie split hose / intercooler.
My td5 had these symptoms + a lose of low down torque.
The intercooler had split.
It's def a white/blue colour, it's very very obvious on both flat and uphill. It doesn't seem to do it when idling, only when accelerating. After a 1 mile drive, it stops. I didn't need to be told about the smoke, it's like a thick fog in my mirrors ;-) My husband said I'd end up causing a huge crash !!

Basically, I get up in the morning, drive it to work (smoking for the first mile, uphill, but fine for the next 10, including motorway !), leave it parked up at work all day on the flat, start it up to drive home, minimal smoke for about 500m then fine, park it up at home on a slight tilt to nearside, then in the morning exactly the same happens. I work 12hr shifts, so the time parked at home and at work are comparable, if anything it is parked longer at work !

I took it to my local independent mechanic yesterday who said it sounded like turbo seals, then had a quick look and told me there is lots of play in the turbo so it needs replacing "soon". I'm presuming he means normal soon as opposed to landy soon which I'd guess at being 10yrs ;-)

Could it be intercooler still if it isn't all the time when running ? There aren't any obvious split hoses etc.

Thanks for being patient with me !

p.s. I know I've not mentioned doing anything exciting with her, but she's not really in a fit state to be thrashing down mountains just yet ..... that is all to come, believe me !
did you buy it from james bond?

the question is, are you willing to get a toolkit out and start taking bits and bobs apart or are you going to take it to a garage?

i'd start by pulling the bottom hose off the intercooler and seeing if it is full of oil. if so, then it does help to point to your turbo.

the only other thing re leaving it over night is valve stem seals.. but i'd have thought you'd get it at work too.

have you tried parking it the other way around at home and seeing what happens :D

i'm surprised you haven't noticed oil loss, and i'd check the turbo if the mechanic said it looks shot.. they can make the engine runaway if too much oil gets past.

if you can't check yourself (undo the intake hose and see if it moves backwards and forwards) get another garage to have a look.
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ok, she was obviously losing a lot more oil this wk than last ... I've sent hubby buying some more ! I've had a look at the turbo, it moves back & forth very freely = goosed I believe ! On looking, the bottom corner of the intercooler is very black and is just above where the oil drip is from .... presuming my intercooler is also goosed :-( Off to re-mortgage the house and have a little cry, then get out my yellow pages, Haynes manual, toolkit and disposable gloves (well, I need to try to keep my hands clean !).
ok, she was obviously losing a lot more oil this wk than last ... I've sent hubby buying some more ! I've had a look at the turbo, it moves back & forth very freely = goosed I believe ! On looking, the bottom corner of the intercooler is very black and is just above where the oil drip is from .... presuming my intercooler is also goosed :-( Off to re-mortgage the house and have a little cry, then get out my yellow pages, Haynes manual, toolkit and disposable gloves (well, I need to try to keep my hands clean !).

intercooler could be fine, just needs to be cleaned out.

yup it does sound like the turbo is knackered.

have a look in the for sale bit on here, someone might have a turbo for sale.

they've been know to be found in scrappies for 50-100quid.. no guarantee though, but now you know the test, give em a wobble to make sure they are good.

also, if it is your turbo it can run leak enough oil to make the engine run on itself... watch runaway

now worry about driving to work :D
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Ok, think we're just going to bite the bullet and get a replacement turbo (managed to source one for 150) , replacement intercooler (around 60), new hoses and gaskets ..... oh and fill her up with oil !
Here come broken nails, bashed knuckles and black hands - oh the husband is going to be thrilled ;-) ....................fingers crossed for me !
Ok, think we're just going to bite the bullet and get a replacement turbo (managed to source one for 150) , replacement intercooler (around 60), new hoses and gaskets ..... oh and fill her up with oil !
Here come broken nails, bashed knuckles and black hands - oh the husband is going to be thrilled ;-) ....................fingers crossed for me !

why are you replacing the intercooler? unless it has an air leak then it just needs a clean out :)
Good luck with the replacement, I'm due to do the same as you and replace the turbo same symptoms as you, loads smoke in the morning and I also have a loud "whistle" when the turbo kicks in.
As said the intercooler should be fine just clean it.

Good luck.
Erm ... don't know ? Thought it might just be easier ;-)
How do I know if the oil is coming out of the intercooler (I know it should only contain gases really, but if oil has been coming through the goosed turbo then presumably it could get into the intercooler ?) through a leak, or is just splashing up against it from the hose when driving ?
Crikey, think I need to go on a mechanics course next .... humans are much easier to treat/mend than cars !

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