
New Member
Hi everyone, new to P38 and have checked posts for this EAS fault but i am unable to find this specific fault. Would appreciate any help or suggestions

EAS height changes work fine and quickly.
No faults logged on EAS unlock software
New air bags on front and I cant detect any air leaks from the system.
Have changed the valve block and solenoid driver. Fault unchanged

When the RR is on standard height the EAS pump runs almost constantly and gets very hot, this is accompanied by the valve block solenoids clicking and the car self levelling.

I have put her on extended height, pump runs for a short time followed by a few seconds of clicking from the valve block solenoids and then the pump stops.

I went for a 12 mile run on extended height (under 30 mph). during run and on arriving home i checked the compressor and it was almost cold. I returned the suspension to the standard height and again the pump started running and the valve block solenoids started clicking.

Anyone got any thoughts or ideas. PLEASE
Hi TCubed thanks for replying. Just checked her in low (access) position and the pump stays off the same as the extended height. Havent tried her in crawl.
I'd suspect a leaking airbag and I'd include the new ones in your checking. They change shape as you change height and I'd be wondering if one of yours has a leak that only appears when you're in standard height.
I have tried blowing each airbag up separately and left them overnight. None of the airbags dropped more than a 1cm which i put down to change in air temperature.
I have tried blowing each airbag up separately and left them overnight. None of the airbags dropped more than a 1cm which i put down to change in air temperature.

Fair comment. Did you do this from under the bonnet? If so that eliminates the pipework as well.

In that case it really only leaves a height sensor that has worn out at standard height. You say that you've got the software, try changing the standard height on each sensor in turn and you might get lucky and find the duff one.
Yes i fitted a valve to the airbag pipework which i removed from the valve block. Will try changing the height on each sensor in turn as suggested. Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
Alternatively you could unbolt one leg of each height sensor in turn, disconnect the wiring and put a multimeter across it. As you open and close the legs you should register a smooth change in resistance. Any sudden jumps or drops in resistance would indicate a problem.
With it in standard height, leave one of the doors open: this prevents any height changes and the compressor feeding the bags. It will then fill the air tank and once done it should stop. If it does, it's likely a mechanical fault to do with standard height. If it doesn't stop, repeat the experiment in High profile. If it stops then, it must be a computer, or a plumbing fault.. which unfortunately I don't know how to deal with.
Hold out though, soon Datatek will get here who is an expert with everything EAS!
Have tried running compressor with door open at all heights. Once tank is up to pressure the pump stops and then doesnt start again along with solenoid valves clicking until the door is closed at standard height . Thanks again, grateful for any comments and suggestions.
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If it drops 1 Cm overnight with each line individually inflated then I would bet you have one or more leaking airbags. Mine drops less than half of that in a week since I completed the overhaul with the valve block in control.
Other wise suspect a height sensor giving dodgy readings on the worn part of the track which is most used at normal height.
I have tried blowing each airbag up separately and left them overnight. None of the airbags dropped more than a 1cm which i put down to change in air temperature.

Very often the bags leak only as they flex. They will leak from constant flexing from traveling over an uneven road surface.
BUt then why would they not leak in low or high profiles?

Because, as has been said many times, the leaks open and close where the bag folds under at the bottom. Put it on high and the fold is in a different place and the cracks close. Tyres do the same with some punctures, park with the wheel in one position it will stay up, rotate it a little and it goes down.
Thanks guys, will check the height sensors over the next few days. If the sensors prove to be OK will replace the rear airbags and see how things turn out. When disconnecting the sensor/s do you have to disconnect the battery or will leaving a door open be sufficient.
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Thanks guys, will check the height sensors over the next few days. If the sensors prove to be OK will replace the rear airbags and see how things turn out. When disconnecting the sensor/s do you have to disconnect the battery or will leaving a door open be sufficient.

Ignition off and leave a door and the tailgate open.
Then when SWMBO comes out to ask if you want a cuppa and casually shuts the door as she passes it you won't have to kill her.

Thanks guys, will check the height sensors over the next few days. If the sensors prove to be OK will replace the rear airbags and see how things turn out. When disconnecting the sensor/s do you have to disconnect the battery or will leaving a door open be sufficient.

Done the soapy water spray on bags test yet?

Hi Guys just an update on my recent problems.

Removed and checked the height sensors and all were fine. So bought 2 new Arnotts for the rear and fitted them, this has cured my faults. On inspection of the old air bags both were de-laminated and cracked next to the bottom joint, this could only be seen by fully extending the bellows. Bit surprised though seeing how bad the bags were that i could not find ant leaks from them using good quality leak detector spray.

Changed the heater matrix O Rings over the last few days so this should hopefully give me a few months of trouble free running!!!!!!!.

Thanks again for all of the help.
Hi Guys just an update on my recent problems.

Removed and checked the height sensors and all were fine. So bought 2 new Arnotts for the rear and fitted them, this has cured my faults. On inspection of the old air bags both were de-laminated and cracked next to the bottom joint, this could only be seen by fully extending the bellows. Bit surprised though seeing how bad the bags were that i could not find ant leaks from them using good quality leak detector spray.

Changed the heater matrix O Rings over the last few days so this should hopefully give me a few months of trouble free running!!!!!!!.

Thanks again for all of the help.

Now do the front airbags before they let you down:)

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