What's that look like? I'd like to switch the returns to the right tank depending on which one i'm using. Would this be what I'm looking for?

Its a Pollack fuel director - but its the same as the AC DELCO Part number 14029228


The 3 position connector is where the control cables fit.
And unless i figure out a better way to pump it this is how it's going together - the controls will be a manual untill it's proven then i'll probably automate it with some form of PLC (if it needs that level of control)


The above pic was borrowed from Sunshine Fuel Info Diesel to Veg oil explained which also shows the plumbing for a single tank version
Jag and daimlers had teclemit 3way solenoid valves fitted and can be picked up either brand new or from scrappies for a fraction of what dedicated vegoil websites are charging
Jag and daimlers had teclemit 3way solenoid valves fitted and can be picked up either brand new or from scrappies for a fraction of what dedicated vegoil websites are charging

agread - dont pay much more than £20 for a new one - I cleared our local factors out of the 6 way ones in the picture as he wanted rid of them for £4.95 each - peeps selling them on ebay circa £35 plus currently
Why on earth don't y'all just throw the SVO into the tank?

Chuck in some derv in summer and a bit of kerosene in winter and save all the fuss!

Why on earth don't y'all just throw the SVO into the tank?

Chuck in some derv in summer and a bit of kerosene in winter and save all the fuss!

Just done it the day, 20lts cookin oil and 20 ltrs diesel staight in:D Took it for a spin and nearly got to 80mph up hill, bottled it a bit going down the other side. Did notice the temp gauge rising a bit but that was down to coolant i think. Flushed the old coolant oot and replaced with new, so will see how it goes tomorrow. by christ it dun't half make ye hungry though;) :D
Oh aye it gets ya looking for the chippy right enough.
Tell me bout it:D Took the missus oot in it the night to get some shoppin', and all she kept sayin' was "i want a fish supper":D
Me neighbours' son was certainly interested in wot ah was doin' though, think ah've just converted him;) :D
It's an acronym for Diesel Engined Road Vehicle. I:E a diesel engined vehicle that has to pay duty on it's fuel. It also tends to be used to describe ordinary diesel
Stuck with half and half for me trip and the old bus went like a dream and never missed a beat. Took a spare can of mixed with me cos the fuel prices can be a bit steep in some of them remote places. Better change me fuel filter now though, but will definately keep on using the svo:D
Veg oil seems to have gone up 10p a ltr.

If that had been petrol there would have bin lootin in the streets. Panic buying of bread, wailing and beating of chests...

Glad its going well Busterbus
Veg oil seems to have gone up 10p a ltr.

If that had been petrol there would have bin lootin in the streets. Panic buying of bread, wailing and beating of chests...

Glad its going well Busterbus
Aye sure is, glad ah took the plunge:D
Cheers;) :D
Just changed the fuel filter, and ah can see what ye's mean about clearing the crap out:eek:

Opened the filter up just for curiosity and found this

Hopefully it shouldn't be as bad the next change;) :D

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